News archive - First Call for proposals of the project NEWFELPRO opened

The First Call for Proposals for financing of fellowships and mobility of researchers under the project NEWFELPRO of the Government of the Republic of Croatia was opened at the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports in Zagreb. 

The NEWFELPRO project offers mechanisms for financing researchers' mobility. The Call for Proposals, under which 83 fellowships will be made available to researchers, was opened by Mr Željko Jovanović, Minister of Science, Education and Sports. Fellowships are intended for experienced researchers with four to ten years of research experience and to senior researchers with more than ten years of experience. 

For more information, please check the project page we recently published or the NEWFELPRO website.


Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General
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Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on July 3, 2013
Modified on July 3, 2013