News archive - [Event Review] Science and innovation investment fund, Phase II - from research to profit:improving Croatia's innovation climate

Economic growth in Croatia and, indeed, in any country, depends to a large degree on the successful translation of research results and knowledge to commercially viable products and technologies. To achieve such growth, the European Union has actively supported Croatia's innovation climate by promoting the commercialisation of these research results via various IPA-funded projects.
In the field of innovation and technology transfer, a financial instrument known as the Science and Innovation Investment Fund has helped improve Croatia’s competitiveness and growth prospects.
The Presentation ceremony of the “Science and innovation investment fund, Phase II” Project took place on Friday, 14 June 2013, at the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, in Zagreb.

The purpose of this press conference was to inform the public about the contracts that have been signed in year 2013. within the project „Science and Innovation Investment Fund, Phase II“ (SIIF, Phase II) by higher education institutions and public research organisations of the Republic of Croatia in the amount higher than 11,2 million euros. The project SIIF, Phase II is implemented under responsibility of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, and consists of SIIF Grant Scheme and Technical Assistance to SIIF within the EU pre-accession programme IPA IIIC - Regional Competitiveness Operational Programme.

Within the Grant Scheme 19 contracts have been signed. The total value of the Grant Scheme amounts 11,2 milion euros (7.6 milion euros EU funding and 3,6 milion euros  national funding). In addition to the Grant Scheme, the Technical Assistance project for assistance to the beneficiaries in project implementation has been signed. The total value of the Technical Assistance project amounts 279.500,00 EUR ( 237.575,00 € EU funding and 41.925,00 € national funding).

The objective of the second phase of SIIF is to support sustainability of technology transfer activities and commercialization of research results of higher education institutions and public research organisations in order to contribute to sustainable regional development and industry competitiveness of high value added sectors of the economy. The important upgrade of the SIIF in this second phase is encouragement of higher education institutions and public research organisations to conclude collaborative projects with business sector.

Presenting contracts worth more than EUR 11.2 million, Minister Željko Jovanović and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Regional Development and EU Funds Branko Grčić said that this is the way to a greater investment in research aimed at raising the competitiveness of Croatian companies and enhancing knowledge transfer to Croatian economy.

They announced that until 2020 Croatia intends to raise the level of investment in science and research to 1.4 percent of GDP, instead of the previous 0.75 percent.
- Croatia has the knowledge and innovation, as well as entrepreneurship to be competitive at the moment of entry into the European Union, and the contracts presented on this occasion prove that fact. Given that the aim of the second phase of the SIIF project is to link science and innovation with the economy and to support the commercialization of research results and technology transfer of higher education institutions and public research organizations in order to contribute to sustainable regional development and competitiveness of the business sector - said the minister Jovanović - this is a wake-up call to all those who want to be competitive in the EU economy.

Most of the projects (four by Faculty) were signed by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb. Among the grantees are also Faculty of Forestry of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture and Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, then the University of Split, Rijeka and Zagreb, Mechanical Engineering Faculty in Slavonski Brod, Polytechnics "Marko Marulić" in Knin, Ruđer Bošković Institute and Meteorological and Hydrological Service in Zagreb.

Director of EU Technical Assistance Project Nicolas Manolopoulos congratulated holders of the projects and called for even greater and more efficient use of EU funds.



VISTA - computer vision systems for increasing traffic safety

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb

Increasing the competitiveness of Croatian wood floors industry on the EU market

Faculty of Forestry, University of Zagreb

Innovative meteorological support to wind energy management

Meteorological and Hydrological Service

Transfer of technology and commercialization of innovations to food business sector of Šibenik-Knin County

Polytechnics Marko Marulić, Knin

 Technology transfer infrastructure in the Croatian Adriatic region (TTAdria)

University of Split

Enhancement of science-business cooperation for intraoperative neurophysiologic technology in Croatia

School of Medicine at the University of Split

Flexible manufacturing of customized spinal orthoses

 Mechanical Engineering Faculty in Slavonski Brod, J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek

 Becoming entrepreneurial: Knowledge transfer from the University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine to the biotechnology business sector

University of Rijeka

Building innovation support through efficient cooperation network

University of Zagreb

ICT Competence Network for Innovative Services for Persons with  Complex Communication Needs

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, university of Zagreb

Permanent Magnet Machine Technology for Boosting the Energy Efficiency in Traction and Marine Applications

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb

Enhancement of Research, Development and Technology Transfer Capacities in Energy Management Systems for Buildings

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb

Research and the promotion of use of shallow geothermal potential in Croatia

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb

Additive Technologies for the SMEs

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb

Centre of Excellence for Structural Health

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb

Advanced Research, Innovation and technology transfer in Surface Engineering

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb

Enhancement of collaboration between science, industry and farmers: Technology transfer for integrated pest management (IPM) in sugar beet as the way to improve farmer’s income and reduce pesticide use

Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb

Rapid Identification of Cells in a Clinical Environment   

Ruđer Bošković Institute

High tech veterinary platform for high transparency and competitiveness

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Zagreb

Geographical focus
  • Croatia
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on June 30, 2013
Modified on June 30, 2013