News archive - COST Simplifies Participation in its Activities

Setting up or participating in a COST Action is easy - but from end of June it has become even easier. COST recently revised the rules for participation in COST activities to make them more inclusive, user-friendly and responsive to scientists’ networking needs.

The revised rules and procedures clarify and simplify the participation in and implementation of COST activities and allow for a wider range of activities to be funded. In particular, the key innovations introduced by COST include:

  • A renewed focus on increasing Inclusiveness and Excellence. A number of innovations have been introduced specifically to increase the inclusiveness of COST activities, allowing  COST to support high quality, outstanding  researchers from all COST countries.
  • Measures to increase participation by Near Neighbour Countries.Funding for participants from COST Near Neighbour Countries has been increased, and the procedures to allow scientists from these countries to participate in COST Actions have become much faster.
  • Increased online processing. Thanks to improvements to COST’s bespoke e-transaction system (e-COST), a wider range of transactions relating to the networking activities supported by COST (e.g. reimbursement claims, grant letters and approvals) can now be processed fully online.

The review of COST’s rules and procedures for participation was undertaken by the COST Office on a mandate by the COST Committee of Senior Officials (CSO).

The aims of the review were in particular to harmonise and streamline the rules and principles for participation in COST activities - and especially COST Actions - so as to better respond to scientists’ networking needs.

The revised rules and procedures also improve the effectiveness of COST as a unique means for European researchers to jointly develop their own ideas and new initiatives across all scientific disciplines through trans-European networking, and contribute to increasing the efficiency of COST Office operations.

Geographical focus
  • Albania
  • General/no specific focus
  • Montenegro
  • Republic of North Macedonia
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on August 2, 2013
Modified on August 1, 2013