News archive - eChallenges e-2013 - Call for Oral presentations and Workshops

eChallenges 2013 is the twenty-third in a series of annual technology research conferences supported by the European Commission and hosted by national governments. The eChallenges Conference Series has a truly international perspective, attracting participation from senior representatives of leading government, industry and research organisations around the world from over 50 countries each year.

The goals of eChallenges e-2013 are to promote Information Society and Applied ICT related knowledge sharing and innovation between government, industry and research stakeholders, exchange experiences about the current state of eAdoption at a sectoral, national and regional level, stimulate rapid take-up of RTD results by industry and in particular SMEs, and identify opportunities for future international research collaboration under Horizon 2020.

The Programme will combine strategic keynote presentations, technical papers, business and government case studies, workshops and tutorials.   The Advance Programme will be published in mid July but topics can be read here.

If you missed the Call for Papers and wish to propose an oral presentation or workshop sessions with several oral presenters, please contact the organisers who would like to receive the presentation title, details for the presenter and a short abstract outlining the results that you wish to share.

If there are a number of presentations related to a topic or project and you would like to propose a workshop session (90 mins with 4 unique presenters), please also send to the organisers these details.
The dealdine is 10th July 2013. Presenters with accepted papers should submit them online via their My Page by 31 July.

Registration will open in mid July with the deadline for Presenters and Early Bird delegates of 31 July.

For staying informed visit regularly:

Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Engineering and Technology

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on June 28, 2013
Modified on June 28, 2013