News archive - EC: New Call for Projects under WBIF

The EC DG Enlargement has issued the 10th Call for Project Proposals under WBIF, with a deadline for application on 19 September 2013. As always, completed applications should be sent to

As discussed at the recent WBIF Steering Committee meeting, this call will serve as a test for the inclusion of a “climate change window” into the WBIF whereby we will try to identify financing that can be attributed to climate change related aspects of the proposed investment. 
This window is being introduced in line with EU policies and procedures particularly those that will be required under the new Multi-Annual Financial Framework (MFF).
For more information, please check the document attached.
Geographical focus
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on June 24, 2013
Modified on July 8, 2013