News archive - [Event Review] 5th RRPP Annual Conference - Social, Political and Economic Change in the Western Balkans

More than one hundred researchers and scientists from the region and beyond participated in the Fifth RRPP Annual Conference “Social, Political and Economic Change in the Western Balkans” last  24 - 26 May 2013, in Belgrade Serbia.
The conference provided international and regional scientific exchanges while addressing the challenges, contradictions and ambivalences in the transformation process of social sciences in the Balkans. In addition, the conference served as a means for discussing potential issues that may be addressed to more effectively influence policy development with scientific research results. The event was organised by the University of Fribourg in cooperation with the RRPP Local Coordination Unit in Serbia - Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade. 
The conference concluded that research findings are not used to their full potential in the effort to contribute effectively to the development of Western Balkan (WB) countries thus far. In this context, one of the main issues and most important challenges for the future will be the significant improvement of relatively weak cooperation between researchers and politicians. Comprehensive concepts aiming to develop and promote evidence-based policymaking should include all three important stakeholders closely linked together - researchers, policy makers and media. 

The main objectives of the conference were:

  • To provide opportunities for researchers dealing with the region to meet, network, exchange and discuss their research projects and results;
  • To discuss the challenges, contradictions and ambivalences in the transformation process of the social sciences field within the Balkans;
  • To discuss potential areas that may be addressed to more effectively influence policy development with the aid of scientific research results.
Conference documentation

Conference Papers are available here.

For pictures from the conference please click here

Geographical focus
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on June 18, 2013
Modified on June 18, 2013