News archive - [Event Review] - Bioeconomy in the EU: Achievements and Directions for the Future

Organised by the European Commission in collaboration with the Irish Presidency, the “Bioeconomy in the EU: achievements and directions for the future” conference was held in Dublin over two and a half days, on 14 and 15 February.. The event was organised one year on from the publication of the EC’s strategy for the bioeconomy, 'Innovating for Sustainable Growth: A Bioeconomy for Europe’. It aimed to review progress made during the first year of the strategy's implementation and to discuss priorities for 2013, in particular in the area of 'investing in research, innovation and skills' (one of the three main priorities of the strategy).

The two-day conference served as the launch platform for the new EU Bioeconomy Observatory and brought together stakeholders from across Europe – including policymakers, academics, NGOs and industry.

In the future, a Stakeholder Conference will be held annually and the 2014 event is already scheduled to take place in Italy. It is anticipated that these yearly EU stakeholder meeting will be mirrored by smaller national /regional events which could take place during what could be dubbed the EU Bioeconomy Week.

The EC has published a report from this high-level conference, entitled 'Bioeconomy in the EU: Achievements and Directions for the Future'.

Within an introductory section on key messages for the bioeconomy strategy, the report outlines a number of priorities for 2013. These include: giving particular attention to multi-disciplinary approaches with cross-cutting research; investments in research to focus a special attention to Horizon 2020's cross-sectoral, challenge-based approach, in order to support the whole research and innovation chain; and making good use of future EU programmes (Horizon 2020, the future Public Private Partnership for the Bio-based Industries, the planned Knowledge and Innovation Community on ‘Food4Future’). A wide range of speakers' presentations are accessible via the conference web page. 

Read the conference report pdf - 329 KB [329 KB] and its detailed version pdf - 136 KB [136 KB] . Check the conference programme pdf - 848 KB [848 KB] .

Speakers’ presentations:

Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on June 11, 2013
Modified on June 10, 2013