News archive - Conclusions of European Competitiveness Council of Ministers 29-30 May 2013

Enhancing and Focusing EU International Cooperation in Research and Innovation: a Strategic Approach. The view by EUREKA Network.

The last meeting of the Competitiveness Council of the Irish EU saw EU Ministers for Industry and Research discuss a range of important issues and measures includinginternal EU market, industries, as well as research and space areas.  The meeting was held under the banner of a reinforced collaboration with non-EU players as to deepen the integration of the European Research and Innovation domains in an increasingly global world. The Commission justified this approach by putting forward the observed emergence of new state actors on the market.

A political agreement on the two regulations for the reform of the state aid rules was reached alongside the approval of smart regulation conclusions to ease the burden for the benefit of the competitiveness of EU companies.

The Council took stock of the progress made as regards Horizon 2020 and encouraged the Commission to make full use of the programming process and governance structures of Horizon 2020 in a coherent manner when implementing the new strategy. The Ministers agreed that the negotiations with the Parliament on the overall package should be completed before the end of June. 

Joint programming activities carried out in the field of research were also discussed. The Council further stressed the importance of promoting theinternational dimension of research and innovationencouraging EU members to closer collaborate with new and promising developing countries by endorsing a new EU strategy for enhancing international cooperation in the field of research. This could be mutually beneficial and enable more homogeneity, solidarity and the sharing of interest between research centers, industries, professionals and universities. 

The EUREKA Network is following closely the Council conclusions especially the discussions on the Multiannual Financial Framework, Horizon 2020 and Joint Programming activities while preparing for the launch of Eurostars 2, a funding programme co-financed by EUREKA member countries and the European Commission as it is about to be extended for six years within the frame of Horizon 2020. 

Read the full conclusions here, and the remarks on Horizon 2020 by Commissioner Máire Geoghegan-Quinn  here.




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Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on June 3, 2013
Modified on June 3, 2013