News archive - EC develops interactive map of Research Infrastructures

The EC has produced an interactive map with the locations of European research infrastructures (RIs) that are accessible to all researchers in Europe.

The map shows the location of FP7 funded RIs that provide transnational access to researchers. The map has a number of features such as listing all the RIs in a particular country, or filtering the RIs by eight research domains: energy; engineering; environmental sciences; information communication technologies; life sciences; material sciences and analytical facilities; physical sciences and astronomy; and social sciences and humanities. Each entry on the map highlights the lead organisation and a summary of the RI project, including a description of the RI, research domain, EU contribution, project duration and project website.

Currently, over 70 European RI networks have been supported in FP7 with over 800 RIs supported by those networks. So far, the EU financial contribution to the supported RIs is around €550 million. The RIs funded through the 2012 Integrating Activity call for proposals will be added in the map this year. Horizon 2020 will continue to support the integration and opening of RIs of pan-European interest and the map will be updated with these RIs in due course.

Further information: 

The map of Research Infrastructures in Europe can be seen at:

The EC’s web pages on Research Infrastructures funded under FP7 can be seen at:

Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on May 9, 2013
Modified on May 9, 2013