News archive - [Event Review] Conference on the Social Investment Package Leuven, 3 May 2013

The aim of this conference was to present theSocial Investment Package – as adopted by the European Commission on 20 February 2013 – to a target audience of Member States officials, elected representatives, civil society, social partners, the private sector and others.

The conference was organised on 2-3 May 2013 in Leuven,Belgium


By bringing together “actors” in social investment, the Conference aimed to lead to proposals for future joint actions in support of the implementation of the Social Investment Package. The event was part of a broader effort to get the content of the Social Investment Package known and understood to all those in the European Union who want to actively support and work on increased social investment actions in future.

To complement this, there was a live Twitter chat on the fringes of the conference with Frank Vandenbroucke, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. It took place 2nd May, from 16:30 to 17:00 with the hashtag #socialinvestment.

Policy-makers, experts and stakeholders discussed concrete ways of implementing the Social Investment Package based on three key thematic elements:

  • Investment: The Social Investment Package and its relevance to EU social policies in the future
  • Innovation: Why we need to foster social innovation and how we can put it into practice in the social economy and involving NGOs?
  • Involvement: What vision of a social Europe do young Europeans want to see?

The Conference was addressed by the Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, László Andor and the Irish Minister for Social Protection, Joan Burton.

For more information downolad below the related EC press releases:
MEMO/13/405 Date: 06/05/2013
European Commission MEMO Brussels, 6 May 2013 The key role of social investment for the modernisation of national welfare systems and for overcoming Europe's employment and social crisis was underlined by László Andor, European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion at the conference on the implementation of the Social...
SPEECH/13/385 Date: 06/05/2013
European Commission László ANDOR European Commissioner responsible for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Speech - 2013 Demography Forum: Investing in Europe’s demographic future / Brussels, 6 May 2013 Distinguished guests, Ladies and gentlemen, It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Fourth Demography Forum.
SPEECH/13/382 Date: 03/05/2013
European Commission László ANDOR European Commissioner responsible for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Speech: Irish Presidency Conference on the Social Investment Package Leuven, 3 May 2013 Chair, Minister, Vice-President, Distinguished guests, Ladies and gentlemen, I want to thank you all for your active participation and constructive suggestions, and your enthusiasm...
Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on May 6, 2013
Modified on May 6, 2013