News archive - Policy Dialogue in Kosovo: Core Working Group Meeting

On 5 April 2013, the RRPP LCU Kosovo convened all members of the core working group engaging the policy dialogue initiative on “Strengthening Research Capacities in Social Sciences in Kosovo”. 

This group is composed of key institutional representatives from the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST), the University of Prishtina (UP), scholars and think tank/civil society representatives. In this meeting, the core working group discussed and developed further policy dialogue strategies and determined work priorities for the upcoming months. 

Moreover, the core working group members committed to advising and contributing to all further policy dialogue actions including three roundtables to be held in the coming months:

1. “The State of Research at the University of Prishtina” ( April 2013);
2. “The Impact of Policy Community in Research Work in Kosovo” (May 2013);
3. “The State of Research in the Civil Society Sector” (June 2013).

The core working group, aiming to further strengthen research capacities in Kosovar social sciences, will attend each of the roundtables and meet externally to contribute to developing briefing papers, which are based on the findings of each respective roundtable. In addition, they will participate actively through discussion panels in the final roundtable planned for October this year.

Geographical focus
  • Kosovo*
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on April 17, 2013
Modified on April 16, 2013