News archive - EC updated the Guide to Financial Issues relating to FP7 Indirect Actions

The general Model Grant Agreement was adopted by the European Commission on 10 April 2007 to be used in research projects funded under the 7th Framework Programmes (EU and Euratom Treaties).

This model grant agreement is applicable to indirect actions under the 'Cooperation', 'Capacities' and 'Nuclear Research' (fission) Specific Programmes of FP7 (EU and Euratom Treaties).  It consists of a core text and several annexes. There is also a list of special clauses to be introduced in the grant agreement where necessary. Separate model grant agreements have been adopted for the 'People' (Marie Curie) and for the 'Ideas' (European Research Council) Specific Programmes.

The purpose of this guide is to help participants to understand and interpret the financial provisions of the Model Grant Agreement (ECGA) that they are signing. On 18th March 2013 The EC released the fifth update of the "Guide to Financial issues related to FP7 Indirect Actions", firstly published in August 2007, updated for the first time in April 2009, for the second time in June 2010, for the third time in February 2011 and lately in January 2012.

In particular, the main clarifications and modifications introduced in this fifth update are due to the adoption of the new Financial Regulation No 966/2012 and concern the following points: 

• Art. 6 of the core: Reduction of the time-limit for payment of pre-financing to 30 days from the entry into force of the grant agreement 
• Art. II.5: Reduction of the time-limit for payment for interim and final payments to 90 daysfrom the receipt of the reports. 
• Art. II.6 Abolition of the coordinator's obligation to open and operate an interestbearing bank account; 
• Art. II.19 Abolition of the coordinator's obligation to declare and reimburse to the Commission the interest generated by the pre-financing.
These changes apply as from 1/1/2013 both to future and existing (on-going) grant agreements since they are favourable to the beneficiaries. For on-going grant agreements, these new rules will automatically apply as from 1/1/2013 without the need for formal individual amendments to the grant agreement. 
The updated Guide to Financial issues related to FP7 Indirect Actions can be downloaded here together with other gudance documents relevant for proposal preparation.
Geographical focus
  • FP7
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on April 8, 2013
Modified on April 8, 2013