News archive - [Event Review] Successful R&I in Europe 2013: Takeoff for Horizon 2020 5th European Networking Event

For the fifth time, the conference invited (on 7 and 8 March) researchers and entrepreneurs from North Rhine-Westphalia and partner regions in Europe to find new partners for European Research & Innovation (R&I) projects. The series of events has been a great success with over 1100 participants since 2009. In 2013, partner regions are: Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Poland, Switzerland and Russia. The networking event was structured in parallel brokerage sessions 
focussing on seven topics: 

- Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) 
- Energy 
- Nanotechnology, Materials and Manufacturing 
- Sustainable Economy 
- Health 
- Bio-based Economy 
- Marie-Curie Actions 

The event addressed especially universities, research institutes and small and medium-sized enterprises. 
Participants involved in established and new technology networks. Giving a short presentation or finding a partner by talking to decision-makers opens doors for new projects in the last FP7 calls and in those expected in Horizon 2020.

More information online under Below the detailed agenda with presentations to download.

 First Day: 7th March 2013

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Energy, Nanotechnology, Materials and Manufacturing (NMM), Sustainable economy

12:30 - Registration
13:00 - Opening Session
Svenja Schulze, Minister of Innovation, Science and Research of North Rhine-Westphalia
Keynote Speech „Takeoff for Horizon 2020“
Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science, European Commission, Brussels
Introduction of Partner Regions
Peter Wolfmeyer, ZENIT GmbH, Mülheim/ Ruhr
13:35 - Success Stories in Europe based in NRW
Nanotechnology, Materials and Manufacturing (NMM): Buonapart-e
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Einar Kruis, University Duisburg-Essen
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Dr. Thomas Glorius, REMONDIS GmbH, Cologne
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Sustainable Economy: TRUST
Dr. David Schwesig, IWW Rheinisch Westfälisches Institut für Wasserforschung gGmbH, Mülheim / Ruhr
Dr. Markus Eisenhauer, Fraunhofer FIT, St. Augustin
Session 1: Parallel Workshops - Projects seeking Partners in Europe
Energy, Biobased economy, ICT, Nanotechnology, Materials and Manufacturing (NMM)

Coffee/Find a Partner/Cooperation Lounge Enterprise Europe Network
Workshop Energy: Short presentations of project ideas
Chairs: Dr Uwe Birk, Marie-Theres Kraienhorst, ZENIT GmbH 
Participants interested in this Workshop
1 SPIRE: Cross-sectorial initiative of the process industries
Dr. Ralph Sievering, VDEh-Betriebsforschungsinstitut GmbH, Düsseldorf 
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2 The Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands: reviewing the past, planning the future
David Horat, PLOCAT, Gran Canaria, Spain
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3 Product development in the Oil and Gas area
Fabiana Oscari-Bergs, TecVix, Brasil 
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4 Novel externally heated engines and compression chemical reactors
Alexander Kronberg, Encontech B.V., Netherlands 
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5 Mutual development of grid tied and off-grid Vertical Axis Wind Turbines on the base of unique Russian technologies
Dr. Evgeny Solomin, South Ural State University, Russia 
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6 SolarComputingLab: Projects and Objectives on intelligent SW-Applications for PV-Systems
Prof. Dr. Frank Hamelmann, University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld, Germany
7 Bioenergy: From natural to artificial photosynthesis
Anja Liszkay, CEA, France 
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8 SUPREN: Sustainable Process Engineering
Dr. Axel Gottschalk, SUPREN GmbH 
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9 The resonant technology in energy field
Jean-Marie Duboys, SOFRASER, France
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Workshop ICT: Short presentations of project ideas
Chairs: Tim Schüürmann, Achim Conrads, ZENIT GmbH 
Participants interested in this Workshop
1 Key challenges in embedded multicore design and programming
Prof. Dr. Reiner Leupers, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
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2 Research & Innovation in Logistics
Andreas Nettsträter, Fraunhofer IML, Dortmund, Germany 
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3 Institute of Management Cybernetics
Hamido Hourani, Institute of Management Cybernetics, RWTH Aachen, Germany
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4 Advanced data model and security lab
Dr. Marco Mesiti, University of Milano, Italy
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5 Security aspects of Cyber-Physical Systems/ the Internet of Things
André Osterhues, Escrypt GmbH, Bochum Germany 
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6 Trustworthy mobile and cloud computing - research opportunities
Sven Euteneuer, Software Quality Systems AG, Cologne, Germany 
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7 Towards trustworthy systems: Making software secure and compliant
Dr. Sven Wenzel, TU Dortmund, Germany
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8 Development and evaluation of control and vision systems, teleoperation of engineering equipment
Rafal Typiak, Military Univeristy of Technology, Poland
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9 Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning Applications
Yevgeny Abramovich, ToolsGroup – Innovation Technology Tools BV, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Workshop Nano, Materials, Manufacturing: Short presentations of project ideas
Chairs: Dr Karsten Lemke, Silvia Besse-Große Lutermann, ZENIT GmbH 
Participants interested in this Workshop
1 Nanoparticles for energy applications
Tim Hülser, Institute of Energy and Environmental Technology e.V. (IUTA), Duisburg, Germany
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2 Replacement of scarce materials for large area electronics and PV applications
Dr. Sylvain Nicolay, CSEM, Neuchatel, Switzerland 
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3 Converting textile waste into carbon for energy storage applications
Dr. David Jacob, IsraZion Ltd., Haifa, Israel
4 Flexible Ultrathin Electronics for Integrated Industrial and Energy Systems
Dr.-Ing Michael Jank, Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Systems and Device Technology IISB, Germany 
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5 Nano-sized silver for flexible electronics
Prof. Jan Felba, Wroclaw University of Technology, Faculty of Microsystems Electronics and Photonics, Poland
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6 New environmental friendly solder materials for the automotive industry from primary and secondary resources
Dr. Marton Benke, University of Miskolc, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, Hungary (Sust. Ec.) 
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7 Scientists social representations of nanotechnology: A bridge between science and society?
Raquel Bertoldo, Institut Symlog, France 
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8 Novel textile material application possibilities
Dr. ir Guy Buyle, Centexbel, Zwijnaarde, Belgium 
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9 Centrocot…into the Future through Research and Innovation: Multifunctional Textiles
Dr Chiara Besnati, Centrocot, Italy 
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Workshop Biobased Economy: Short presentations of project ideas
Chairs: Nora Anton, Juan Carmona-Schneider, ZENIT GmbH
Participants interested in this Workshop
1 Bio-medical sensors and systems based on standard CMOS electronics
Prof. Dr. Michael Kraft, Fraunhofer-Institut für Mikroelektronische Schaltungen und Systeme, Duisburg, Germany 
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2 GEM Biosoft- Genomic Information Systems: software and databases on clinical environments
Ana Levin, GEM Biosoft, Spain 
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3 Plant genomics at the service of Sustainable Agriculture
Prof. Manuel Jamilena, University of Almería, Spain 
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4 Food Chain Planning in Metropolitan Regions: Innovative Approaches for Reducing the Ecological Footprint of Urban Food Consumption
MLA Dirk Wascher, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
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5 Creation of highly adaptive control systems and a production process in the system of precision agriculture
Vladimir Volkov, SITAP Ltd., Russia
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6 From traditional industries to interconnected value chains: towards a KBBE implementation in NRW
Dr. Bernward Garthoff, BIO.NRW, Germany
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7 BIO&Co – biochemicals for the bioeconomy
Davide Mariani, Innovhub-SSI, Camera di Commercio di Milano, Italy
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8 Institute of Heavy Organic Synthesis „Blachownia”, Poland – Fields of cooperation”
Adriana Muszynzka, Institute of Heavy Organic Synthesis "Blachownia", Poland 
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9 Translational Biomarkers for Cardiovascular Safety in Drug Development
Prof. Hüseyin Firat, FIRALIS SAS, France
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Session 2: Parallel Workshops - Project seeking Partners in Europe
Energy, Sustainable economy, Health, Nanotechnology, Materials and Manufacturing (NMM)

Coffee/Find a Partner/Cooperation Lounge Enterprise Europe Network
Workshop Energy: Short presentations of project ideas
Chairs: Dr Uwe Birk, Marie-Theres Kraienhorst, ZENIT GmbH 
Participants interested in this Workshop
Electrochemical Energy Conversion: Fuel-cell-and Batteries-oriented R&D
Piotr Piela, Ph.D., Industrial Chemistry Research Institute, ICRI, Moscicki Industrial Chemistry, Poland 
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2 Textile waste that makes Energy Storage System to Run
Dr. David Jacob, IsraZion Ltd., Israel
3 The exergypass - a tool for universal ressource and energy efficiency assessment
Andrej Jentsch, Richtvert | Büro für Energiesystemberatung, Germany 
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4 Energy mineral exploration and critical elements as by-products ENCRITICEL
Dr. Imre Gombkötő, University of Miskolc, Hungary 
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5 IT-Security in the Smart Grid/ Smart Energy
André Osterhues, Escrypt GmbH, Bochum, Germany 
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6 Innovative Design for Demand Based Energy and Mobility Infrastructure
Kai Rommel, Associate Dean for Research, International School of Management, Dortmund, Germany 
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7 Extremadura Energy Cluster
Vicente Sanchez, CLUSTER ENERGIA EXTREMADURA, Badajoz, Spain 
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8 International Institution of German Renewable Energy Academy-Systems, Business and Projekt-Management School
J. Luis Torres-Jaime, German Canadian Business Club Münster, Germany
Workshop Sustainable Economy: Short presentations of project ideas
Chairs: Tim Schüürmann, Sabrina Wodrich, ZENIT GmbH 
Participants interested in this Workshop
1 The sustainable use of water - A way to compensate the impact by using water
Dr. Dietrich Bartelt, DB Sediments GmbH, Duisburg, Germany 
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2 FP7-Water-Inno-Demo call
Krisztian Lohr, SKC-Consulting Ltd., Hungary
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3 New approaches in the development of Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (VAWT)
Prof. Dr. Evgeny Solomin, South Ural State University, Russia 
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4 Interoperability for ICT, Energy and Sustainable Economy
Jack Verhoosel, TNO, Netherlands 
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5 Waste to Energy - An interdisciplinary Approach
Prof. Dr. Michael Bongards, University of Applied Sciences Cologne, Germany
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6 Environment Europe: Research and Consultancy for a Sustainable Economy
Dr. Stanislav E. Shmelev, University of Oxford, UK 
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7 Optimisation in Sustainable Building through Prefab Processes
Hartmut Hering, hhconseil, France 
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8 Low carbon technologies for sustainable use of secondary raw materials – LOCUS
Nagy Sándor, University of Miskolc, Hungary 
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9 Innovation experiences
Jesus Campos, Tecnologías Avanzadas Inspiralia, Spain
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Workshop Nano, Materials, Manufacturing: Short presentations of project ideas
Chairs: Dr Karsten Lemke, Silvia Besse-Große Lutermann, ZENIT GmbH 
Participants interested in this Workshop
1 EU projects and collaboration at the Institute for Textiltechnik: success stories
Sangeetha Ramaswamy, Institute for Textiltechnik, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
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2 Enzymatic modification of polymers and surfaces
Dr. Maurice C.R. Franssen, Laboratory of Organic Chemistry, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
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3 Additive manufacturing with polymers and metals
Dr. Manfred Schmid, inspire AG, St. Gallen, Switzerland
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4 Silicone-containing polymers
Dr. Maria Zielecka, Industrial Chemistry Research Institute, Warsaw, Poland
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5 Chemical tailoring of optical materials for new applications
Prof. Dr. Claudia Wickleder, University Siegen, Germany 
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6 Chemistry research potential at ICIQ – capacities and interests
Anna Maria Banet, Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ), Spain 
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7 Polymer nanocomposites
Prof. Regina Jeziorska, Industrial Chemistry Research Institute, Warsaw, Poland
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8 Nanotechnology in the conservation and restoration of cultural heritage
Dr. Ewa Piaszczynski, Strotmann und Partner, Siegburg, Germany
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9 Development of metal matrix composites with nanodiamond reinforcements
Dr. Vladimir Popov, National University of Science and Technology "MISIS", Moscow, Russia 
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Workshop Health: Short presentations of project ideas
Chairs: Simone Strathoff, Juan Carmona-Schneider, ZENIT GmbH
Participants interested in this Workshop
1 Near-infrared vascular nano-angioplasty and imaging
Dr. Alexander Kharlamov, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 
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2 Computer modeling and development of artificial pancreas
Prof. Dr. Sergey Mukhin, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia (ICT) 
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3 Development of bioactive, highly biocompatible and long term stable titanium custom-made and custom-designed implants
Prof. Dr. Andrzej Zielinski, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland 
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4 Nanoengineering of surfaces and materials for medical applications
Prof. Dr. Alexander Kuhn, Université de Bordeaux, 
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5 Innovative applications for health
Dr. Christian van den Bos, Lonza AG, Switzerland 
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6 Genomic Information Systems: from Big Data to Personalized Medicine
Ana Cidad Vila, Universitat Politècnica de Valencia, Spain
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Session 3: Services for Proposals and Projects
NCPs for Energy, Sustainable economy, ICT, NMM
Workshop Energy
Chairs: Dr Uwe Birk, Marie-Theres Kraienhorst, ZENIT GmbH
Funding for Energy Research
Dr. Piotr Swiatek, PT FZ Jülich, NCP Energy
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Precommercial Procurement in FP7 and Horizon 2020
Anne Müngersdorff, ZENIT GmbH 
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Services for innovation and research
Dr. Hans-Georg Bertram, Cluster EnergieForschung.NRW
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Funding opportunities in the Marie Curie-Sklodowska Actions (FP7 People)
Dr. Sonja Ochsenfeld-Repp, KoWi
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Workshop ICT
Chair: Achim Conrads, Doris Scheffler, ZENIT GmbH
Funding for ICT Research in FP7
Dr. Friedhelm Gillessen / Dr. Uwe-Michael Schmidt, PT-DLR, NCP ICT
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Funding Opportunities for ICT policy support projects &
Pre-commercial procurement
Doris Scheffler, ZENIT GmbH, NCP ICT PSP
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Funding opportunities in the Marie Curie-Sklodowska Actions (FP7 People)
Ulrike Kreger, KoWi 
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SME funding in CORNET and ERA-SME
Felix Richter, AiF GmbH
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Workshop Nano, Materials, Manufacturing
Chairs: Dr Karsten Lemke, Silvia Besse-Große Lutermann, ZENIT GmbH
Funding for NMM in FP7 and Horizon 2020
Katharina Schumacher, PT FZ Jülich, NCP Nano
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Services for innovation and research
Dr. Heinz-Georg Nothofer, Cluster NanoMikroWerkstoffePhotonik.NRW (NMWP.NRW)
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Funding opportunities in the Marie Curie-Sklodowska Actions (FP7 People)
Vera Küpper, KoWi 
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Precommercial Procurement in FP7 and Horizon 2020
Doris Scheffler, ZENIT GmbH
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Workshop Sustainable Economy/ Environment
Chairs: Tim Schüürmann, Sabrina Wodrich, ZENIT GmbH
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Funding for the sustainable economy in FP7 and Horizon 2020
Dr. Shilpi Saxena, PT FZJülich, NCP Environment
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Funding opportunities in the Marie Curie-Sklodowska Actions (FP7 People)
Dr. Sonja Ochsenfeld-Repp, KoWi
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Services for innovation and research
Marco Krabs, Cluster Umwelttechnologien.NRW
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Funding for ecoinnovative projects
Tim Schüürmann, ZENIT GmbH
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Pre-commercial procurement
Anne Müngersdorff, ZENIT GmbH 
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Reception/ Dinner
Dinner Speech: 
NRW and the Bioeconomy- A model for Europe
Dr. Dr. h.c. Christian Patermann, 
Advisor KBBE to German State North Rhine-Westphalia
Düsseldorf by Night
Bus Tour and City Sightseeing, transfer to conference hotel
Registration and Refreshments
Second Day: 8 March 2013
Health, Bio-based economy, Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
09:00 - Welcome
Dr. Bernd Janson, Event Management, ZENIT GmbH, Mülheim/ Ruhr
Keynote Speech
Dr. Martin Hamer, GIQS e.V. c/o University of Bonn
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Services for proposals and projects
Ingrid Zwoch, NCP Life Science, Bonn
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Success Stories in Europe based in NRW
Health: INMiND
Prof. Dr. Andreas H. Jacobs, European Institute for Molecular Imaging, Westfälische Wilhelms Universität Münster
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Bio-based economy: FLAVIOLA
Prof. Dr. Marc Merx, University Düsseldorf
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Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (ITN): ATWARM
Dr. Michael Eisinger, Center for Water and Environmental Research, University Duisburg-Essen
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Session 4: Parallel Workshops: Projects seeking partners in Europe
Health, Bio-based economy, ICT, Nano Materials and Manufacturing
Workshop Health: Short presentations of project ideas
Chairs: Simone Strathoff, Juan Carmona-Schneider, ZENIT GmbH
Participants interested in this Workshop
1 Gerontotechnology, Medical devices
Achim Flesser, Cp-engineering GmbH, Willich, Germany 
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2 Biomechanical approach towards rehabilitation
Dr. Ludek Hyncik, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic 
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3 Improved understanding, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of human diseases
Peter Lüttge Jensen, Teknologisk Institut, Denmark 
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4 Development of a smart wound dressing with diagnostic and anti-microbial components
Dr. med. June Mercer-Chalmers, University of Bath, UK 
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5 Standardization for the European health & fitness industry - status quo and future plans
Prof. Dr. Thomas Rieger, European Health & Fitness Association, Brussels, Belgium 
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6 Wearable sensors for a healthier life
Laszlo Gulyas, AITIA International Inc, Budapest, Hungary 
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7 Promoting graft survival after corneal transplantation – gene therapy, nanoparticles, artificial cornea
Dr. med. Thomas Fuchsluger, Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf, Germany
Workshop ICT: Short presentations of project ideas
Chairs: Tim Schüürmann, Achim Conrads, ZENIT GmbH 
Participants interested in this Workshop
1 ePortfolio for human resources
Dr. Olga Smolyaninova, Siberian Federal University, Russia 
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2 Intelligent knowledge acquisition and active contour generalizations.
Michal Pryczek, Institute of Information Technology, Lodz University of Technology, Poland
3 Neural dynamics of autonomous learning
Dr. Yulia Sandamirskaya, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
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4 Cooperation Potentials at the Institute of Knowledge based Systems and Knowledge Management
Mahdi Bohlouli, University Siegen, Germany
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5 Semantic search engines based on word sense discovery methods, information extraction, retrieval
Mark Kozlowski, Information Processing Institute, Poland
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6 COGINT : COllaborative GeoINTelligence, a platform for diffusion of OpenData.
Jerome Barthelemy, Groupe Articque, France
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7 iCargo: Logistics connectivity for real time dynamic planning in cargo management
Tomasz Dowgielewicz, Institute of Logistics and Warehousing, Poland
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8 Online-Learning tools by MDI - Mundo Digital Interativo
Fabiana Ocari-Bergs, Mundo Digital Interativo, Brazil
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9 Intelligent control systems of complex technological objects including usage of fuzzy and adaptive control methods and machine vision systems
Alexander Bazhanov M.Eng, Belgorod State Technological University, Russia
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Workshop Nano, Materials, Manufacturing: Short presentations of project ideas
Chairs: Dr Karsten Lemke, Maximilian Jacobs, ZENIT GmbH 
Participants interested in this Workshop
1 A truly innovative company - leader in supercritical CO2 technology
Dr. Audrey Ngomsik-Fanselow, FeyeCon Carbon Dioxide Technology, The Netherlands 
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2 Development and application of superhydrophobic/superoleophobic coatings
Dr. Peter Ramaekers, Sirris, Belgium 
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3 ITENE – packaging, transport and logistics research centre. 7FP experience and strategy towards HZ 2020
Susanna Alvarez, ITENE Packaging, Transport and Logistics Research Centre, Spain 
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4 "Green" sol-gel Processing of nanostructured complex oxide materials for catalytic applications
Prof. Dr. Igor Krivtsov, South Ural State University, Russia 
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5 Demonstrating project achievements beyond all doubt
Marijn van Veghel, VSL Dutch Metrology Institute, The Netherlands 
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Institute of Electron Technology - Research Activities and Opportunities for Collaboration
Prof. A. Piotrowska, ITE Warsaw, Poland 
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7 Presentation of the Fraunhofer for Machinetools and Forming Technology
Katja Haferburg, Fraunhofer IWU, Chemnitz, Germany
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8 Development of the technology of film coating for special composite materials and microelectronics
Prof. Dr. Evgenii Evtuschenko, Belgorod State Technological University, Russia
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Workshop Biobased Economy: Short presentations of project ideas
Chairs: Nora Anton, Astrid Pauli, ZENIT GmbH 
Participants interested in this Workshop
1 Two-photon excited fluorescence microscopy in bioimaging
Prof. Dr. Daniel Gryko, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
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2 Direct quantitative multi-modal imaging and biomarker imaging from molecules to man
Dr. Miklós Weszl, CROmed Ltd., Budapest, Hungary
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3 Natural ingredients for cosmetics and nutraceutical industries
Fabiana Oscari-Bergs, AmazonBioTech, Brasil 
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4 Glycobiology and glycoanalysis application studies for bio-based projects
Dr. Ludovic Landemarre, GLYcoDiag, France
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5 Laser Biofabrication - New Options for Creation of in-vitro Test Systems
Dr.-Ing. Martin Wehner, Fraunhofer-Institue for Laser Technology, Aachen, Germany
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6 Chamber of Agriculture North Rhine-Westphalia
Martina Reuber, Chamber of Agriculture North Rhine-Westphalia, Bonn, Germany
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Session 5: Parallel Workshops: Projects seeking partners in Europe
Health, ICT, Bio-based economy, innovation
Workshop Health: Short presentations of project ideas
Chairs: Simone Strathoff, Juan Carmona-Schneider, ZENIT GmbH
Participants interested in this Workshop
1 In silico development and applications for the health value chains: from integration of heterogeneous and massive data to clinical decision helper
Dr. Nora Benhabiles, CEA, France
2 Drug eluting stents (DES)
Dionysios Douroumis, University of Greenwich, Chatham, United Kingdom
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3 Drug development in European projects
Irene Puntì, Fundació Institut Català d'Investigació Química, Spain 
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4 Mastering complience with EU animal welfare regulations using powerful tools developed by FBI Science
Dr. Frank Buschmann, FBI Science GmbH, Germany 
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5 Designed multiple ligands as novel guanylyl cyclase activators for medical treatment of heart diseases
Prof. Dr. Dorota Gryko, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland 
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6 Patient customized engineering
Dr. Petra Mela, AME - Institute of Applied Medical Engineering, University Hospital Aachen, Germany 
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7 CAFFEIN: An ITN network in cancer research
Dr. Richard Hummel, Comprehensive Cancer Center Muenster, University Hospital Muenster, Germany
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Workshop ICT: Short presentations of project ideas
Chairs: Tim Schüürmann, Achim Conrads, ZENIT GmbH 
Participants interested in this Workshop
1 3D in archaeological science: Perspectives for a daily routine
Dr. Andreas Pastoors, Stfitung Neanderthal Museum, Mettmann, Germany 
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2 Next generation messaging - Towards an open unified communication standard
Torsten Schlabach, Tascel eG, Essen, Germany
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3 Competence Center for Mobile Communication and Innovation
Mag. Rafael Michalczuk, Evolaris next level GmbH, Graz, Austria
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4 LAN: R&D topics of interest: ICT usage within Home automation services
Hervé Mary, LAN, France
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5 Flexible Ultrathin Electronics for Integrated Industrial and Energy Systems
Dr.-Ing. Michael Jank, Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Systems and Device Technology IISB 
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6 to be announced (tba)
Alexandre Bredimas, LGI consulting, Paris, France
Aleksandra Ihnatowicz, NCP ICT, Poland 
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8 Semantic and adaptive database about reviewers and grants
Jaroslaw Protasiewicz, Laboratory of Intelligent Information Systems, Poland
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9 Software Quality and Testing
Voss Tanja, Centro de Investigacion en Metodos de Produccion de Software, Spain
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10 The Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands: Underwater Robotics and Cloud Computing
Horat David, Platforma Oceanica de Canarias, Spain
Workshop Biobased Economy: Short presentations of project ideas
Chairs: Nora Anton, Astrid Pauli, ZENIT GmbH 
Participants interested in this Workshop
1 Bioimmobilization and innovative packaging materials – are they hot or not?
Patrycja Sumińska, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecinie, Poland
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2 Synthesis, modification and sterilization of polymeric biomaterials
Dr. Radek Wach, Institute of Applied Radiation Chemistry, Lodz University of Technology, Poland
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3 Institute of Agrophysics PAS in Lublin - research areas
Prof. DSc. Grzegorz Józefaciuk, Institute of Agrophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
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4 Economics of value chains, agricultural market analyses & evaluation of socio-economic effects with regard to bio energy production
Wolfgang Stauss, FH Südwestfalen -Institute for Green Technology & Rural Development [] 
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5 Taking a socio-economic perspective on Bioeconomy: Value chain analyses, patent analyses and consumer acceptance of food technologies
Anna Lena Koppe, Sabine Bornkessel, Hochschule Osnabrück, Germany 
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6 R+D+i (+ knowledge transfer) in the agrofood sector
Maria Moreno, IRTA - Institute of Agriculture and Food, Spain 
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7 From traditional industries to interconnected value chains: towards a KBBE implementation in NRW
Dr. Bernward Garthoff, BIO.NRW
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Workshop Innovation: Short presentations of innovative projects
Chairs: Dr Karsten Lemke, Maximilian Jacobs, ZENIT GmbH
1 Novel peptides and proteins from venoms as potential drugs
Prof. Dr. Victor Tsetlin, Syneuro, Russia
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2 InfomatiX – making R&D and innovation an everyday habit of a small company
Rita Labundy, InformatiX, Hungary 
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3 Standardization and innovation – A fundamental partnership for success
Siglinde Kaiser, DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V., Berlin, Germany 
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4 Kainuun Etu Oy
Ninetta Chaniotou, Kainuun Etu Oy, Finland 
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5 Virtual human models for industry and medicine
Dr. Ludek Hyncik, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
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6 Miniaturized low-cost angle sensor with low alignment requirements
Dr. Günther Grau, advICo microelectronics GmbH
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7 Innovation for SMEs: Towards Horizon 2020
Victor Herrero, CRIC, Spain 
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8 Building automation and user comfort - ICT challenges of energy plus building concepts
Dr.-Ing. Werner Jager, ai3, Germany 
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Interactive Lunch
Find a Partner, Cooperation Lounge Enterprise Europe Network
Closure of Successful R&I in Europe 2013

Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on April 4, 2013
Modified on April 4, 2013