News archive - The European Parliament Office in Croatia


The European Parliament Information Office in Croatia, which has opend its doors on February 18, provides information on the European Parliament’s role as well as activities and issues currently being considerd by the Parliament, which are of significance for the European Union as a whole and Croatia in


Its role is to raise awareness of the European Parliament and the EU in general and to bring its work and issues closer to people. The tasks of the EP Information Office amongst others is to be the first point of contact of citizens with the EP, to dedicatedly target and work with youth.
It works also very closely with media - organises press briefings and keeps them informed of the news stories developing in the EP, works closely with educational institutions and the civil sector, promotes active citizenship and such major European values like freedom of speech and thought, gender equality,
cultural diversity, etc. The office also works to develop links with all professional associations that have an interest in European affairs. A very important task is also to advice EU citizens on their rights and to assist them in contacting the European Parliament and MEPs, accessing its reports, resolutions and
other documents.
Find out more on the website of the EP Office in Croatia and it’s Facebook page
Geographical focus
  • Croatia
  • Europe
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on March 22, 2013
Modified on March 28, 2013