News archive - Croatia Ready to Join the European Union - EC Final Monitoring Report adopted

In a lecture addressed to the audience at VERN University of Applied Sciences in Zagreb, Croatia today, Štefan Füle, European Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy, said that the European Commission had adopted its last monitoring report on Croatia with the conclusions that Croatia has delivered on the priority actions that were highlighted in the October 2012 comprehensive monitoring report, and that it is generally meeting the requirements for all negotiation chapters and will be ready for European Union membership in July.

Mr. Füle emphasized that this is not only a right but also responsibility: “Looking to the future for Croatia, the work is not over with the publication of the Spring Report. Croatia wants to join Schengen, and the euro, in the future. This means that efforts need to continue in all areas: on the rule of law, on the prevention and suppression of corruption and on the protection of the external borders.” Croatia's accession is the result of a long and rigorous process, under strict conditionality. Croatia applied for membership in 2003. Negotiations started in 2005 and finished six years later in 2011. “Croatia is now not only a different country, it also arrives to the European Union better prepared than many other acceding countries.”

Štefan Füle mentioned many important aspects from bilateral cooperation with neighbouring countries to EU cooperation in times of the EU’s first big economic crisis. He stated that even if there is something that could be understood as ‘enlargement fatigue’ it is in fact ‘reform fatigue’ that is a lot more critical for the further development of the European Union. With an eye on the other non-member states in the WBC region he said that, “I am convinced that European Union integration will not be complete until the countries of this region are also part of the European Union. Croatia, the second country from former Yugoslavia to join the European Union has moved this goal a step closer to its achievement.”


Source: EU press releases

Geographical focus
  • Croatia
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Maximilian Wollner on March 26, 2013
Modified on March 26, 2013