News archive - [Event Announcement] ICAP Summer School 2013 on Emissions Trading for Emerging Economies and Developing Countries in the Netherlands
From 8 to 19 July 2013, the International Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP) will organize its fifth Summer School in Netherlands, on the topic of Emissions Trading for Emerging Economies and Developing Countries. Accommodation, catering and local transportation for all selected participants during the Summer School will be covered by the organizers. Travel expenses can be reimbursed on the basis of individual need. This Summer School is funded by the European Union. The Summer School is designed for 25 to 30 selected policy makers and other stakeholders from the nongovernmental, academic and private sectors. Participation is open to applicants from emerging economies and developing countries from around the world.
The ICAP Summer School is open to applicants from emerging economies and developing countries. It is addressed to policy makers and other stakeholders from the nongovernmental, academic and private sectors, who are involved in the development of emissions trading systems (ETS) and/or GHG mitigation policy in their jurisdictions.
The aim of the summer school is to convey an in-depth understanding of emissions trading as an instrument to mitigate greenhouse gases, and build capacity on the technical design and implementation of carbon trading systems.
Over the period of two weeks, participants will have networking opportunities with each other and with the teaching faculty and other recognized experts in the field. Teaching faculty for the Summer School will consist of experienced decision makers from the relevant administrative authorities in ICAP member jurisdictions, as well as practitioners and representatives from established educational and research institutions active in the area of emissions trading and climate policy.
The course will be conducted in English. Applications are to be submitted in English. Application deadline is 1 April 2013.
- International; Other
- Western Balkans
- Engineering and Technology
- Humanities
- Social Sciences
Entry created by Maximilian Wollner on March 15, 2013
Modified on March 15, 2013