News archive - [Call for Papers] The Role of Europe’s Industry in the 21st Century - International Conference

The Institute of Economics, Zagreb is organizing an international conference on The Role of Europe’s Industry in the 21st Century to be held in November 2013. 

The conference intends to bring together experts from academia, international institutions, central banks, government institutions and the private sector to discuss the future of industry in the European Union and South East Europe. The discussion will be initiated by invited speeches and presented conference

The Institute of Economics, Zagreb invites researchers and other specialists to submit their abstracts by 1 July 2013.
Conference Topic: Industry is still the most important element of Europe’s economic structures. It accounts for a major part of exports and R&D investments and it creates additional jobs in the services sector as well. However, industry has been severely hit by the recent economic crisis, which has also revealed many of its present weaknesses. Therefore, it is important to explore the present‐day performance of Europe’s industry, to identify problems affecting industry in both the EU and South East Europe, and to try to propose the most appropriate elements of the future industrial policy.

In such a context, possible topics include (without being restricted to):
‐ is industry still indispensable for economic growth?
‐ what have been the main characteristics of industrial enterprises which have performed best during the economic crisis?
‐ what are the main obstacles to industrial development in the EU and SEE?
‐ can the industries of the EU and SEE be competitive on the global market and how?
‐ what kind of infrastructure should be provided by the public sector in order to enhance the development of the competitive industrial sector?
‐ how to secure knowledge and skills for a new industrial development?
‐ what industrial policies could be the most efficient in reinforcing industrial growth?
‐ how to develop the industrial sector in a sustainable way?


Abstract Submission:
Abstracts should be a maximum of 300 words and should include:
 Central theme or hypothesis: what question(s) will be addressed?
 Approach and methodology: how will the question(s) be addressed?
 3‐5 keywords.
Please include author(s) full name(s), affiliation(s), mailing address(es), telephone and fax number(s), e‐mail address(es). Abstracts should be sent by 1 July 2013 to the following e‐mail:
Important Dates:
Abstract submission deadline: by 1 July 2013
Abstract acceptance notification: by 14 July 2013
Full paper submission deadline: by 1 October 2013
Full paper acceptance: by 15 October 2013
Registration for participants: by 8 November 2013
More information in the Call for Papers to download below.
Geographical focus
  • Europe
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Social Sciences

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on March 14, 2013
Modified on March 13, 2013