News archive - Slovenia's first female prime minister

Slovenia's 90-seat parliament voted 55-33 to dismiss Janša's ruling coalition after just a year of trying to navigate through the worst economic and political crisis in 22 years of independence. 

The baton passed to opposition Positive Slovenia leader Alenka Bratušek, who will become the country's first female prime minister if she manages to build a coalition around a platform to stabilise its finances and avoid going cap-in-hand to the European Union.

"Today marks a watershed moment for Slovenia," 42-year-old Bratušek told reporters after the vote. Addressing parliament before the vote, Bratušek came out strongly against more austerity, "Our priority is growth and employment, which creates wealth for everyone. "I state clearly - there will be no Greek scenario in Slovenia." she said.

Alenka Bratušek  struck a deal with the Social Democrats and two of Janša's former allies to hand her the reins for 12 months, with an option to keep herself at the helm until an election due in 2015.


Source: Reuters

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Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on February 28, 2013
Modified on February 28, 2013