News archive - [Event Announcement] Workshop “Commercialisation of research results in the WBC in the field of AgroFood”
WBC-INCO.NET is organising a workshop on the commercialisation of research results in the field of AgroFood in the WBC with the support of the University of Novi Sad. The event will take place back to back with the 80th International Agricultural Fair of Novi Sad, on May 22nd and 23rd, 2013.
The WBC-INCO.NET event will address opportunities and framework conditions for the commercialisation/valorisation of research results (products to markets), with special focus on the AgroFood sector of the WBC.
The following topics will be covered:
- Intellectual Property Rights,
- Standardisation,
- Support structures such as the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN),
- Funding possibilities and others.
The workshop will discuss results of selected SEE-ERA.NET PLUS - JERPS (Joint European Research Projects) in view of their valorisation/ commercialisation potential, and will foster the exchange of information so as to deepen knowledge of researchers / JERP coordinators from the Western Balkan countries by inputs from external experts on specific questions and topics.
Topics raised during the SEE-ERA.NET PLUS Vienna interim monitoring meeting (April 2012) and in the online survey done by the project coordinator will be considered in order to discuss and encourage the scientific and technological cooperation between researchers and practitioners as for the valorisation of research results; as well as to faciltate networking between JERP project partners and representatives from the industry
The event will take place back to back with the 80th International agriculture fair Novi Sad being the most visited fair in the Region, and thus will benefit from its networking potential and visibility. The planning and organisation phase is still in progress. More details will be made available as soon as possible.
- Western Balkans
- Agricultural Sciences
Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on March 6, 2013
Modified on March 7, 2013