News archive - Call for Experts for Horizon 2020 Advisory Groups
The European Commission is widening its search for experts from all fields to participate in shaping the agenda of Horizon 2020, the European Union's future funding programme for research and innovation. The experts of the advisory groups will provide high quality and timely advice for the preparation of the Horizon 2020 calls for project proposals.
The Commission services plan to set up a certain number of Advisory Groups covering the Societal Challenges and other specific objectives of Horizon 2020. To reach the broadest range of individuals and actors with profiles suited to contribute to the European Union's vision and objectives for Horizon 2020, including striving for a large proportion of newcomers, and to gain consistent and consolidated advice of high quality, the Commission is calling for expressions of interest with the aim of creating lists of high level experts that will participate in each of these groups (but note that the composition of the groups and the topics they will address may need to be adjusted to be fully in line with the final versions of the Horizon 2020 legislative acts).
The call for expressions of interest will stay open for the lifetime of the Horizon 2020 programme. Experts can register at any time; however only those having expressed their interest no later than 6 March 2013 at 17.00, Brussels local time (CET) will be taken into account for the setting up of the first Horizon 2020 Advisory Groups. Expressions of interest received after this date will be taken into account for the renewal of groups at the end of each mandate.
Individuals in their personal capacity, representatives of collective interest groups and representatives of organisations can express their interest by filling in the Expression of Interest form.
Each advisory group shall be representative of the broad constituency of stakeholders, including industry and research actors as well as representatives of civil society, for the Horizon 2020 challenges/objectives concerned. The experts of the group will be designated in accordance with the Commission rules on expert groups.
Expertise is called for within the following areas:
- Future and Emerging Technologies (FET)
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions on skills, training and career development
- Research infrastructures (including e-Infrastructures)
Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies within the following areas:
- Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)*
- Nanotechnologies
- Advanced materials
- Biotechnology
- Advanced manufacturing and processing
- Space
- Access to risk finance (debt or equity financing)
- Innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
- Health, demographic change and wellbeing
- Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research and the bio-economy
- Secure, clean and efficient energy (including nuclear energy)
- Smart, green and integrated transport
- Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials
- Inclusive, innovative and secure societies
The composition of the groups will be based on the following profiles:
- Experts with scientific expertise related to the societal challenge/objective in question, including expertise in social sciences and the humanities and those with a multi-disciplinary perspective, open to the further cross-fertilisation of ideas between disciplines and sectors.
- Experts focused on the technological aspects of the challenge/objective in question, including key enabling technologies, with a strong presence of industry representatives, including well-established companies and innovative SMEs in the relevant sector(s).
- Experts focused on non-technological innovation, social innovation as well as innovation processes and management.
- Experts having a good understanding and experience of the relevant marketplace, including experienced entrepreneursand end-users.
- Experts with knowledge and experience in the research and innovation field of debt financing (loans, guarantees, counter-guarantees and other forms of debt and risk finance) and equity financing (notably venture capital and quasi-equity including mezzanine capital, and of funds-of-funds).
- Experts with experience of research and innovation policy development.
- Experts with experience of promoting research and innovation with a business-driven agenda, including experience inknowledge transfer and intellectual property management and innovation brokers, and communicating their results to the society.
- Experts with relevant expertise in multi-disciplinary, long-term, transformative frontier research addressing activities dealing with future technologies and/or trends under the challenge/objective in question.
- Experts representing market development actors playing a role in the dissemination, transfer and take-up of new developments and having an influential role in the adoption and wide deployment of new products, services and processes via activities such as spin-outs, piloting, demonstration and test-beds.
- Experts with relevant expertise regarding the impact on climate change and sustainable development, in particular the environmental and resource efficiency dimension, of research and innovation (within the Horizon 2020 challenge/objective in question and as a cross-cutting priority in the programme).
- Experts with experience in the area of research career development, doctoral training, and enhancement of skills for researchers and innovators.
- Experts with experience of promoting gender equality in research and innovation.
- Experts representing the views of public end-users of technologies (relevant for the challenge/objective in question) – i.e. organisations using technologies, such as for example first responders, border guards etc.
- Experts representing the views of civil society relevant for the challenge/objective in question – i.e. organisations and individuals that present citizens' expectations and concerns about the role of science, research and innovation in the construction of the future specially on topics such as technology and society, education and jobs, privacy, quality of life.
For more details see the full call text 68 KB | How to express your interest | Privacy statement
Note: * The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) area is subject to a separate procedure, but experts within ICT related fields can register here as well.
SOURCE: European Commission
- General/no specific focus
- Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on January 29, 2013
Modified on January 29, 2013