News archive - [Event Announcement] The 2013 Stakeholders Conference - Bioeconomy Days: "Bioeconomy in the EU: achievements and directions for the future"

Over the last decade, the European Commission has recognised the importance of investing in R&D to support the EU Bioeconomy. It is expected that new bio-processing technologies and approaches will deliver a sustainable and vast array of renewable, value-added biobased products from biological waste streams including agro-food and forestry residues. The production of these biobased products will contribute to economic growth and jobs within the EU – whilst at the same time limiting any negative impacts on the environment and reducing our dependency on fossil resources.

To support the development of the Bioeconomy in Europe, specific research activities and programmes have been launched by the EU and Member States. Conferences have been organised and several important policy documents have been produced at community level.

The Conference takes place over one and half days on February, 14th and 15th 2013 in a very prestigious location in the Irish capital - Dublin Castle (include website here). The number of participants is limited to approximately 220.

The "Bioeconomy in the EU: achievements and directions for the future" Conference will be focusing on each of the different pillars of the bioeconomy strategy and action plan - i.e.,

  • i) investing in research, innovation and skills;
  • ii) reinforced policy interaction and stakeholder engagement; and
  • iii) enhancement of markets and competitiveness in bioeconomy sectors- by debating on some concrete examples in plenary sessions.

During the conference, speakers will report on achievements - at EU, national, regional and local levels - with respect to the Action Plan and debate future prospects and opportunities for the EU Bioeconomy. The conference will provide a platform for informed and structured debate among a wide range of stakeholders using a series of key note speeches and panel discussions to illustrate the current situation and the issues at stake.

Contact information:
EC: Alessio Vassarotti (, Davide Amato (, DG RTD Dir E, Unit E1
Irish Presidency: Dale Crammond (

Source: EU Bioeconomy

Geographical focus
  • International; Other
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Danaja Lorencic on January 15, 2013
Modified on January 15, 2013