News archive - ERA Framework Communication published: A Reinforced European Research Area (ERA) Partnership for Excellence and Growth

The EC has adopted its Communication on „A Reinforced European Research Area (ERA) Partnership for Excellence and Growth‟, which sets out concrete steps that Member States should take in order to achieve a Single Market for researchers and innovation in Europe. The Communication aims to enable researchers, research institutions and businesses to move, compete and co-operate across borders more easily, strengthening Member States‟ research bases, increasing their competitiveness and allowing them to work together more effectively to tackle societal challenges.

The Communication focuses on a set of five key priorities: more effective national research systems; optimal transnational co-operation and competition; an open labour market for researchers; gender equality and gender mainstreaming in research; and optimal circulation, access to and transfer of scientific knowledge. Actions for the Commission, Member States and research stakeholder organisations are proposed under each priority and the report emphasises the importance of action at Member State level in completing the delivery of the ERA by 2014. The Commission intends to develop an ERA Monitoring Mechanism (EMM) based on indicators to monitor progress on the actions, with a first report at the end of 2013 and continuing monitoring from 2014 onwards.
Further information
All documents relating to the adoption of the Communication are available from the Commission‟s ERA website at:

Source: European RTD Insight

Geographical focus
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • International; Other
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
  • General

Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on August 17, 2012
Modified on August 30, 2012