News archive - FP7 Topic Highlight: Mobilising environmental knowledge for policy and society

In the WBC-INCO.NET Calls section ( we provide information and links on all open calls, including those in FP7. ALL CALLS and ALL TOPICS are open for participation of researchers from the Western Balkans. Nevertheless, in our news area we would like to higlight some topics which are of specific relevance to the region. Don't miss the particular chances of participation!

The topic in the ENVIRONMENT workprogramme "Mobilising environmental knowledge for policy and society" (ENV.2013.6.5-2) calls for a coordinating action (deadline 16.10.2012) with a specific regional sub-topic of Designing environmental research and innovation for solutions and uptake of results in the Danube macro region (f) - in which many Western Balkan countries are also included.

ENV.2013.6.5-2 Mobilising environmental knowledge for policy and society

– FP7-ENV-2013-one-stage
Innovative  approaches  and  tools  are  needed  for  policy  makers  to  facilitate  the  proper consideration  and  uptake  of  available  scientific  knowledge  in  key  areas  in  policy  making. Proposals  should  be  innovative  and  address  one  of  the  following  six  key  sub-topics  to facilitate improved knowledge transfer and uptake, provide appropriate tools and models to manage information and data for policy makers both within Europe and globally, and raise
awareness of natural resources, including raw materials:  


f) Designing environmental research and innovation for solutions and uptake of results in the Danube macro region
The  EU  Strategy  for  the  Danube  region  foresees  that  science  and  technology  are  a  major driving force for the development of a knowledge based economy in this area. This project will  explore  and  identify  instruments  and  tools  for  enhancing  research  and  innovation cooperation for the environment in this region at a more integrated and strategic level as well as  for  the  exploitation  of  results  by  society  and  the  economy,  including  policy  makers.

Synergies will be sought with programmes and projects funded by other EU instruments (e.g. Structural Funds) as well as by national or private sources. The project will identify future research  and  innovation  needs  and  the  ways  and  means  to  achieve  responses.  EU  and nationally funded research and innovation projects related to the environment with high added value  and  relevance  to  the  Danube  region  will  be  identified  and  clustered.  Priority  will  be given  to  a  consortium  which  can  demonstrate  knowledge  of  the  research,  innovation  and institutional  structures  in  the  region.  The  selected  proposal  will  be  requested  to  ensure coordination and coherence with other relevant actions funded by FP7 and the future research and  innovation  programme,  including  INCO-2013-7.1,  activity  7.1.3  (see  the  International Cooperation Activities part of the Capacities Programme).

Funding scheme: Coordination and support action (coordinating action)
The requested EU contribution per project shall not exceed EUR 1 000 000.
Up to one proposal can be selected per sub-topic.

Expected impact:  
f) Mobilisation of all actors and resources from public (national or EU) and private sources for  higher  investment  in  research  and  innovation  towards  an  efficient  river-delta-coast-sea management in the Danube/Danube Delta/Black Sea region.

Geographical focus
  • Danube Macroregion
  • FP7
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
  • Natural Sciences

Entry created by Elke Dall on August 8, 2012
Modified on September 5, 2013