News archive - FP7 Topic Highlight: Strengthening the research and innovation strategies of the transport industries in Europe

In the WBC-INCO.NET Calls section ( we provide information and links on all open calls, including those in FP7. ALL CALLS and ALL TOPICS are open for participation of researchers from the Western Balkans. Nevertheless, in our news area we would like to higlight some topics which are of specific relevance to the region. Don't miss the particular chances of participation!

The topic in the Transport Workprogramme "Strengthening the research and innovation strategies of the transport industries in Europe" (SST.2013.6-1) calls for a supporting action with the deadline 14.11.2012. It refers to strenthen the effectiveness of RI capacities of the transport industries in Europe through improved cooperation between stakeholders. The action will assist transport related ETP, EC, MS and Associated states in defining research needs for their strategies and programmes. 3 support actions are expected focusing on road, rail and waterborne transport with EUR 7.2 million available in total.

SST.2013.6-1. Strengthening the research and innovation strategies of the transport industries in Europe
Level 1 - CSA-SA - Call: FP7-SST-2013-RTD-1

Content and scope: The objective of this action is to strengthening the effectiveness of research and innovation capacities of the transport industries in Europe through improved cooperation between stakeholders, including decision-makers, and enhanced definition of strategic research and innovation needs. The action will assist the transport-related European technology platforms (ETP), the European Commission (EC) and Member States and Associated States (MS/AS) in defining research needs for their strategies and programmes in order to realise the objectives of the Europe-2020 strategy and further on the vision of the White Paper 2011 for a competitive and resource-efficient future transport system.

The action should undertake where appropriate the following activities:
• Updating of research agendas and roadmaps. This includes multi-modal research and innovation areas, which will be elaborated in cooperation with other transport modes.
• The establishment of thematic technological groups on the most relevant technologies to ensure innovative advances by pooling together leading European experts in selected fields, in particular those involved in EU and national research projects and programmes.
• Monitoring of transport research projects from relevant programmes (such as FP7, ENT, JU, etc.), and organisation of workshops to foster innovation aspects.
• Defining implementation plans, including innovation roadmaps and business implementation, based on the research agendas and roadmaps and on the monitoring of the existing programmes (starting from FP6); this would be an input for the EC and MS/AS.
• Developing links and coordination strategies between the transport-related ETPs and technology platforms existing at national level in MS/AS, in order to avoid duplication of efforts.
• Increasing visibility of research and innovation activities, and contributing to the dissemination of results, through large conferences, thematic events, show cases, databases, website support, newsletters and other publications. Coordination with other large transport events, such as TRA, and cooperation with the Transport Research Knowledge Centre and relevant ERA-NETs need to be ensured.

Three support actions are expected focusing on road, rail and waterborne transport, respectively. Strong and focused consortia must be made-up of leading European experts for transport technologies from both industry and research providers. The implementation of this action requires close collaboration with the ETPs dealing with transport research and innovation (particularly with ERTRAC, ERRAC and Waterborne TP), as well as with other related initiatives and entities. Cooperation with EU services will be an essential element in this support action.
For waterborne transport, dedicated resources and a specific work package should aim to cluster on-going and recently concluded e-Maritime related projects. The purpose is to consolidate and align their developments and support the definition of an EU e-Maritime Framework that will ensure the interoperability of new information systems services for maritime transport and facilitate their take-up in the marketplace.

Note: The project must not subsidise any direct or indirect costs (e.g. secretariat) of the ETP organisations. In kind contributions from additional stakeholders are welcome.

Expected impact: Projects will bring together the leading European stakeholders in transport research to monitor projects, develop roadmaps, and support their implementation. They will contribute to an optimisation of research and innovation strategies, to the improvement of communication, dissemination and use of results as well as to the definition of relevant transport policies.

Geographical focus
  • FP7
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
  • Engineering and Technology

Entry created by Elke Dall on August 8, 2012
Modified on September 5, 2013