News archive - [Event Announcement] III. Danube-region Cohesion International Scientific Conference

Between September 5 and 6, the Danube-region Cohesion International Scientific Conference aims to present the achievements of the macro-regional, international and regional strategic planning activities, as well as the results of related scientific research carried out in the Danube region.

The event provides a forum for the presentation of the future challenges to be faced by the region, together with their possible solutions. It also encourages professional and scientific debates around the various alternatives.
There is a special focus placed on the development tasks emerging from the EU Strategy for the Danube Region.

Through facilitating professional brainstorming and scientific debates, the event contributes to the strategic foundation of the macro-regional cooperation.

It also promotes the contribution of young researchers to the event, as well as the creation of partnerships between the various new sectorial networks (transport, tourism, logistics, research etc) related to the Danube Region.

EXTENDED deadline of your registration: 31 July 2012

Registration Form

The goal of the conference

Our conference, traditionally organised every two years aims to present the achievements of the macro-regional, international and regional strategic planning activities, as well as the results of related scientific research carried out in the Danube region.

The event provides a forum for the presentation of the future challenges to be faced by the region, together with their possible solutions. It also encourages professional and scientific debates around the various alternatives.

There is a special focus placed on the development tasks emerging from the EU Strategy for the Danube Region.

Through facilitating professional brainstorming and scientific debates, the event contributes to the strategic foundation of the macro-regional cooperation.

It also promotes the contribution of young researchers to the event, as well as the creation of partnerships between the various new sectorial networks (transport, tourism, logistics, research etc) related to the Danube Region.


Themes of the plenary session (10.00 am. –06.00pm., 05 Sept 2012)


• The EU Strategy for the Danube Region

• National contributions to the EUSDR

• Inter-relations of the Europe 2020 strategy and the EUSDR

• Strategic issues of transport and water economy

• Contributions to the section meetings


The conference as a forum for discussions (09.00 am. –05.00pm., 06 Sept 2012)


Planned sections


I. Interregional, transnational cooperation

Chair of section: Dr. László Gulyás, Associate Professor, University of Szeged

II. Transport and logistics

Chair of section: Dr. Attila Vörös, Deputy Manager, Institute for Transport Sciences

III. Cultural heritage and tourism

Chair of section: Dr. Géza Szabó, Head of Department, Associate Professor, University of Pécs

IV. Ecology, environment protection and climate strategy

Chair of section: Dr. Mónika Lakatos, climate expert, Hungarian Meteorological Service

V. Social and economic processes and trends

Chair of section: Dr. Péter Novoszáth, Associate Professor, College of Dunaújváros

VI. Urban and rural regions

Chair of section: Dr. Attila Korompai, Associate Professor, Corvinus University, Budapest

VII. Water economy

Chair of section: Dr. Péter Bakonyi, Director of Institute, VITUKI Water Resources Research Centre, Budapest


Preliminary topics of the professional and scientific discussion forum


• Revaluation of the ”connecting role of the Danube”

• Ensuring the navigability of the Danube, with special regard to the Hungarian territory, by means of or without damming

• Water economy, „water quantity management” in the Danube river basin

• Integrated urban and regional transport systems

• Intermodal logistics centres, harbours

• Potential lines of broad gauge and high speed railway transport in the Danube region.

• Optimal establishment of transport networks. „Missing elements”

• The role of the Danube in the area around the capitals

• The Danube as a factor of the choice of location

• Current issues of the utilization of renewable energy sources in the Danube region

• Values and strategic questions of the Carpathian basin

• Future challenges to be faced by rural areas

• The Danube as a destination of tourism

• Networks and thematic routes of the Danubian tourism (wine routes, cultural itineraries), transborder and interregional cooperation

• Challenges of sustainable tourism

• Research related to the Danube. Dissemination of the results of EU projects

• Transborder cooperation, experiences of the Euroregions and EGTCs

• Current issues of disaster management in the Danube region


for further information:

Geographical focus
  • Danube Macroregion
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Elke Dall on July 24, 2012
Modified on July 24, 2012