News archive - A new name for DG INFSO (Information Society and Media): DG for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CONNECT)
As of July 1, the DG Information Society and Media Directorate (DG INFSO) will change the name to Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CONNECT).
"Our new name better represents the range of topics where we are active, and our new structure better aligns the work of the DG with key EU policies for the coming decade: ensuring that digital technologies can help deliver the growth which the EU needs." (Robert Madelin, Directorate General for the Information Society)
Mission Statement of the DG for Communications Networks, Content and Technology
The DG helps to harness information & communications technologies in order to create jobs and generate economic growth; to provide better goods and services for all; and to build on the greater empowerment which digital technologies can bring in order to create a better world, now and for future generations.
To help achieve this, the DG CONNECT:
- Supports the kind of high-quality research & innovation which delivers imaginative, practical and value-enhancing results;
- Fosters creativity through a European data value-chain in which anyone can share knowledge;
- Promotes greater use of, and public access to, digital goods and digital services, including "cloud" computing, in order to boost the European single market;
- Ensures that those goods and services are more secure, that people can trust the rapidly evolving technologies which surround them, and that people have the right skills and confidence to use them as part of everyday life;
- Works with partners globally to support an open Internet.
More information about the organisation you can find under Attachments below.
Further information about organisation you can find also here.
- European Union (EU 27)
- Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
- Natural Sciences
- Social Sciences
Entry created by Marko Groboljsek on June 5, 2012
Modified on June 5, 2012