Innovation Watch

Innovation Watch is continuously scanning for early signals of change — monitoring news sources, searching for websites on future-facing topics, and linking to audio and video clips on emerging trends. It tracks and highlights books that explore, interpret, and advocate change, and that help to shape the future themselves through new breakthrough ideas.

The results of these searches and scans are shared openly on this website, and are also provided as RSS feeds. The free Innovation Watch Newsletter, published biweekly, is emailed to readers in more than 40 countries who have a personal or professional interest in change.

The website includes extensive resource lists (now being reloaded from the previous version of the site) that provide a history of innovation; deeper understanding of the dynamics of disruptive change; guidance on how to be more innovative and adaptive; and tools for strategic foresight, so organizations can be better prepared and more resilient in an increasingly risky and uncertain world.

Geographical focus
  • Europe
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • International; Other
  • SEE
  • Western Balkans

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on December 20, 2010
Modified on December 20, 2010