Open Innovation

"To meet the increasing need for information with respect to the importance and use of open innovation, we established this platform. The development of intends to contribute to the development and knowledge diffusion of the concept of open innovation in the European business community, through:

  • functioning as an interface between academia and the needs of practitioners
  • developing management tools and in-company training
  • exploring new application fields for open innovation
  • contributing to the awareness with respect to open innovation in Europe
  • research and publication in the field of open innovation focusing on the best practices in Europe and around the world
  • stimulating the exchange of knowledge (e.g. best practices) between experienced practitioners.
  • developing an on-line OI-scan for companies to test their OI-expertise vis-à-vis a benchmark of other companies is supported by the originator of the term, Henry Chesbrough and is part of, a broader, worldwide network focusing on OI."

Geographical focus
  • Europe
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • International; Other
  • SEE
  • Western Balkans

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on December 20, 2010
Modified on December 20, 2010