EVAL-INCO – Evaluators Database for International Cooperation

EVAL-INCO is a database of evaluators which is used to facilitate the assessment of proposals for research projects, submitted in the context of the Joint Calls of regional ERA-NETs like SEE-ERA.NET PLUS.

The database EVAL-INCO is directly linked with the web-based Call Management System of the Project Management Agency c/o German Aerospace Center (DLR) “PT-Outline” providing full functionalities for the administration of the assessment process.
EVAL-INCO was firstly used during the implementation of the SEE-ERA.NET PLUS Joint Call in winter 2009/2010. PT-DLR scientific officers assigned a total of 97 evaluators from 24 different EU-Member States & WBC & Turkey to the 163 EoIs resp. the 71 full proposals targeting several different topics out of the fields of ICT and AgroFood. Finally 540 reviews had been prepared by the EVAL-INCO evaluators.
After its successful application to the SEE-ERA.NET PLUS Joint Call EVAL-INCO was also used in the implementation of joint calls in other international ERA.NETs like the BLACK SEA ERA.NET and ERA.NET RUS. In addition EVAL-INCO supported also the international peer review process in national calls in Serbia and Russia.
All personal data in EVAL-INCO are held strictly confidential according to the privacy statement of PT-DLR. Since EVAL-INCO is a living database, DLR likes to invite experts in all fields of S&T to register at http://www.eval-inco.pt-dlr.de/ in order to be prepared for the upcoming Joint Calls.
In case of any questions, please contact Ralf Hanatschek at the International Bureau of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research at the Project Management Agency c/o German Aerospace Center (DLR), Tel: +49 228 3821-1482, Fax: +49 228 3821-444, email: ralf.hanatschek@dlr.de.


http://www.eval-inco.pt-dlr.de/ (visited 0 times)
Phone: +49 228 3821-1482
Fax: +49 228 3821-444

International Bureau of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research at the Project Management Agency c/o German Aerospace Center (DLR) Heinrich-Konen-Str. 1 53227 Bonn, Germany

Geographical focus
  • International; Other

Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on November 22, 2011
Modified on November 22, 2011