The Future of Innovation

"The Future of Innovation is a little bit like a ‘wikipedia’ for the next frontier of innovation. It is a must-have for everyone in the field of innovation, a snapshot of different view points, one of the most exciting innovation initiatives, the most wonderful journey, and even an innovation in itself. The Future of Innovation, book and website, has something in store for each of you:

  • For the academics amongst you we hope that the book will provide you with some insights into where you might like to focus future research;
  • For those of you in industry we hope that the book and website provide you with starting points for your innovation agenda, and introduce you to new models, frameworks and ways of thinking around innovation;
  • For the consultants among you we believe that here you can find the seeds for exciting new fields in which to create new areas of expertise;
  • For those of you from the public sector this website and the book can alert you to leading edge advancements and thinking that you may want to take into consideration for the development of policies, infrastructure and support."
Geographical focus
  • Europe
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • International; Other

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on December 20, 2010
Modified on December 20, 2010