HISTOLAB Digital Hub
The HISTOLAB Digital Hub aims at bridging the breach between the state-of-the-art in academic history and history education within the classroom and outside it. It aims at promoting a history education that is more diverse, more inclusive, multiperspective, and ultimately more responsive to the needs of a population that is increasingly recognised as more socially and culturally diverse than earlier notions of ‘nation’ or ‘social class’ envisioned.
A Call for Tenders for the development of the Digital Hub was launched in September 2022. The current website is a temporary information point while the Digital Hub is being developped - it is expected that it will be launched by March 2023.
The Digital Hub will host the following features (and more):
Resource HUB
A HISTOLAB-branded cloud based on an Online Public Access Catalogue system that collates relevant resources for history educators and history education researchers.
News & Calendar
A digital bulletin board centralising incoming main events, calls (for papers, ideas, projects, etc.) and latest news in the field of history education.
A publicly available database of experts and organisations in the field of history education with the aim of facilitating co-operation.
- General/no specific focus
- General
- Humanities
- Social Sciences
Entry created by Admin WBC-RTI.info on November 25, 2022
Modified on November 25, 2022