How to create business ideas?

Where and how to find the right business idea?

A business idea is the most important prerequisite for starting a business.

Business ideas are found in everyday life. So analyze the environment and people's needs. Think about which service you could use to help them and facilitate their daily functioning.

Sanja takes her dog for a walk every day. Experience has shown her that many owners do not have the opportunity to take their best friend out every day. That's why Sanja offered her services to all those who are prevented from taking their dog out. I needed her service today.

A business idea arises from experience, knowledge, expertise, hobbies or even free time and sports activities. The key factors for the development of your business idea are the exchange of information, the study of similar experiences, persistence, perseverance and will.

Steps to the right idea:

a. Get inspired

and. Become aware of your surroundings and observe your surroundings

ii. Read books, magazines, professional literature

iii. Talk to people with different experience and knowledge

iv. Watch inspirational videos, TED talks

b. Analyze yourself

and. Write down on paper the things you love and enjoy

ii. Write the things you are not good at

iii. Ask yourself what are the products or services that would make your life easier and more beautiful... Would you use them even if you were the opposite sex or if you were a child...

iv. Finally, ask yourself what you like and what bothers you about work and the companies you know

c. Write everything down and seek advice

The Chamber of Commerce of Serbia, with a set of carefully selected services, accompanies entrepreneurs on that path. Our experts make it easier for them to overcome all obstacles in the process. You can download all information about starting a business via the link www.godinapreduzetniš

We will be happy to answer any questions and concerns you may have. Send them to us at

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Geographical focus
  • Serbia
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Admin on October 7, 2022
Modified on October 7, 2022