[RRI Good Practice] Gender Equality Plan of Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development

What is the good practice about?

This Gender Equality Plan (GEP) is suited to the needs and size of Co-PLAN, a research organisation of 20 researchers. Though Co-PLAN operates as a research institute within POLIS University in Tirana, it is a separate entity and therefore gender issues are governed through a separate plan. As such, the GEP may not be suitable to larger institutions and particularly universities. The GEP is built on the previous experience of Gender, Equity and Diversity included and continuously updated in the organisational code of procedures since its establishment.

Co-PLAN is proud to have kept a very healthy gender balance, together with equity and diversity issues for years and to have promoted these principles in research and beyond, in development work with communities, policy-makers and academia. The GEP is not merely a good practice on paper, rather it is a simple presentation of the practical processes, procedures and organisational atmosphere and culture. Furthermore, this GEP is a step in a continuously evolving context of organisational development and institutional learning. In the process, exchange among the staff as well as the staff responsible for the GEP at POLIS University, in order to have a broader understanding of issues outside of the smaller organisation (Co-PLAN), but related to the larger organisation (the University).

Why is this initiative needed?

This particular formulation came as a request for EU funding (requirement to have a GEP to participate in the Horizon Europe programme, for example). Before this form of document representation, the organisation was dealing with Gender, Equity and Diversity through our internal code of conduct and procedures.

What are the main objectives and activities?

To enable a GEP that represents the evolutionary context of the organisation, its relation to the University and the overall research context in Albania, as well as fits with the diversity culture of Co-PLAN.

Who is involved?

Co-PLAN staff and management, as well as key staff from POLIS University, Tirana, Albania

Can this good practice be replicated?

The GEP is very specific to rather small organisations, which however would like to connect their performance to the broader national context on gender development and evolution.

Cost-wise, this process is part of the internal institutional development and learning processes annually implemented by Co-PLAN.   

Further links:


For the English and Albanian versions, please switch between the languages at the language icon on the top right of the webpage.

Relevant RRI keys: Gender Equality in Research and Innovation (R&I), Public Engagement (for R&I)

Type of practice: Dedicated plan, strategy document (e.g. Gender Equality Plan, Open Access Strategy, etc.), Promotional activities/events/campaigns, Publications/promotional material, Strategic & action planning, Participation in public policy/researches/studies, Good governance, Organisation of conferences, panels, round-tables, Organisation of public consultations, public hearings 

Target groups: researchers (starting from PhD-candidates, on the individual level), universities, research performing organisations, research and innovation funding organisations, students (up to Master level), the general public, person on the street

Geographical focus
  • Albania
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
  • General

Entry created by Elke Dall on June 1, 2022
Modified on June 2, 2022