ECCP page dedicated to Western Balkans

The admission of the Western Balkans countries as member states of the European Union is conditioned to various factors. The convergence of the Western Balkans States in terms of socio-economic and political development is at heart of the admission process. This convergence is sought through a set of measures targeting various domains such as preventing organised crime or encouraging neighbourhood stability.

Similarly, enabling a pro-business environment through the development of clusters is a piece of the puzzle towards a more even socio-economic development. By organising cluster matchmaking events, in Thessaloniki, in September 2017 and in Croatia in November 2018, the European Commission reaches out once more to the Western Balkans, to trigger their admission.

Therefore, the ECCP is highly involved in encouraging cluster policies and cluster development in the Western Balkans.



Geographical focus
  • Europe
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Admin on August 1, 2018
Modified on August 1, 2018