IPA Cross-border Co-operation Programme Bulgaria – FYR of Macedonia

Programme description

Main objectives

The overall aim of programme is to intensify cross-border cooperation between people and institutions of the region in order to jointly address common challenges and exploit untapped potentials. 

Funding priorities

The Programme will focus on the following priorities:

  • Priority Axis 1 “Environment”: Approximately 35 % of the Programme funds is planned to be dedicated to “Protecting the environment, promoting climate change adaptation and mitigation, risk prevention and management”. Both countries face similar problems concerning environment and nature protection and resource efficiency. The need for conservation of biodiversity, sustainable utilisation of natural resources, environment protection and risk management has been clearly identified.
  • Priority Axis 2 “Tourism”: is highly relevant. Promotion of culture, tourism and people to people contacts are priority areas of EU' s Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) and both countries consider the development of joint tourism and cultural initiatives crucial. Investments under this priority will support the protection of the border region's natural and cultural heritage and for people to people contacts.
  • Priority Axis 3 “Competitiveness”: It is vital to intensify cross border business contacts and promote the development of cooperation and clusters. There is a clear need to enhance the competitiveness of SMEs and their access to new markets. Joint actions are required to promote entrepreneurship, cooperation, exchange of ideas, skills and technologies and to foster the creation of new firms. Investments will also address the need to increase business capacities, innovation, the transfer of know-how and to better connect the education system to market demands. This strengthening of businesses should create jobs , with investments also potentially supporting initiatives for young people, vulnerable groups and vocational training.

Information on reported financial data to the European Commission (by theme) can be found here

Source and further information: IPA CBC Programme Bulgaria – FYR of Macedonia

Republic of North Macedonia
Geographical focus
  • Republic of North Macedonia
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Giorgio Piccirillo on April 24, 2017
Modified on April 24, 2017