Elsevier Advancing Postdocs Women Clearinghouse

The Elsevier Advancing Postdoc Women survey captured 46 professional associations' and societies’ information about the programs and resources offered to postdoc women or women in general to enhance their advancement into science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), and social, behavioral and economic sciences (SBE) disciplines. Survey results revealed that professional association and societies delivered many of these programs and resources in their annual meetings, on the web, and within informal or formal settings. Professional associations and societies had mentoring, career, and professional development programs.

At this link you can find examples of these programs.

Geographical focus
  • International; Other
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Anna Sirocco on June 14, 2016
Modified on June 14, 2016