Enterprise Europe Network (EEN)

Whether you need information on EU legislation, help finding a business partner, want to benefit from innovation networks in your region or need information on funding opportunities, this is the place to start.

Every company that wants to apply for H2020 funding or has already receiving funding for an innovation project under the SME instrument is entitled to free support from the Enterprise Europe Network . Your local Enterprise Europe Network partner can not only help you with hands-on support in the management of a European project and the grant agreement, but also helps you ensure that your innovation project succeeds. Starting from an individual analysis of the existing strengths and weaknesses of each company involved in the project, your Network partner will advise you throughout the progress of your project and provide you with free access to professional coaching in areas where additional assistance is required.

In this way, you get several days' worth of free specialised advisory services designed to sharpen your innovation management and to ensure that all crucial aspects are taken into account to drive your innovation project to the best possible conclusion for your company. Are there any strategic mismatches between the project and your company's orientation? Are all IPR issues duly considered? Do you need to build up specific skills to deal with a technological innovation? Is your company ready to grow? Together with you we will find answers and solutions (always, of course, in strict confidence). Finally, when your project nears its successful conclusion, the Enterprise Europe Network will also link you up with new markets and potential investors.

All of this comes at no additional cost - it is part and parcel of your support package as a beneficiary of the SME Instrument. For more details, please get in touch - with about 500 branches throughout the EU and in other countries participating in Horizon 2020, your local Network partner is never far away.

Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on September 24, 2015
Modified on October 3, 2016