Council of Europe Development Bank( Info quarterly no. 4 – New Development Plan 2014-2016)

In this issue of CEB Info you will find details of a number of very important in-house projects the Bank was able to complete during the past year and which received broad support from our two Boards, namely the Development Plan 2014-2016, the new prudential framework and the 2014 budget. The CEB’s priorities for 2014 will be, inter alia, the implementation of the new Development Plan and the strengthening of our cooperation with our European partners. We will strive to sharpen further the social value of CEB financed projects by focussing on our approved sectorial lines of action.

Kosovo* became the CEB’s 41st Member State on 4 November 2013. All the Western Balkan countries are now members of the Bank.
The New Plan aims to maximise the Bank’s contribution to strengthening social cohesion in Europe through an optimal and innovative mobilisation of its resources, while at the same time maintaining CEB’s capacity to assume the risks inherent to the current economic situation.

Naturally the Bank seeks to facilitate national and/or sectoral solutions on a case -by-casebasis wherever possible. It will also strive to:

  • enhance the value added of the loans it allocates to financing social investments
  • strengthen its Member States’ capacity to absorb European funds in the social sectors through new types of loans
  • alleviate the financing constraints weighing on the social sectors through the use of better adapted lending instruments
  • highlight the support given to job creation and preservation encourage flexible and innovative approaches, notably by seeking out strengthened cooperation with the private sector, which could involve entering into public-private partnerships (PPPs) and equityparticipation arrangements. Recourse to microcredit is also envisaged as well as the introduction of risk-sharing mechanisms. In parallel to this, the CEB will strive to improve its non-lending services and to develop its fiduciary role.
Geographical focus
  • Europe
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on January 27, 2014
Modified on January 27, 2014