Open Education Europa

The European Commission launched Open Education Europa in September 2013 as part of the Opening Up Education initiative to provide a single gateway to European OER. This portal is grounded on the basis of the portal, active since 2002 to support the transformation of education through technology. Today, with close to 38,000 registered users and an average of 55,000 monthly visits, it has become the meeting point for exploring change and innovation in education.

The main goal of the Open Education Europa portal is to offer access to all existing European Open Educational Resources in different languages in order to be able to present them to learners, teachers and researchers.

Open Education Europa is a dynamic platform built with the latest cutting-edge open-source technology, offering tools for communicating, sharing and discussing. The portal is structured in 3 main sections:

• The FIND section showcases MOOCs, courses, and Open Educational Resources by leading European institutions. Each institution is also featured in this section alongside the MOOCs, courses, and the Open Educational Resources it provides.

• The SHARE section is the space where portal users (scholars, educators, policymakers, students and other stakeholders) come together to share and discuss solutions for a diverse range of educational issues by posting blogs, sharing events, and engaging in thematic discussions.

• The IN-DEPTH section hosts eLearning Papers — the world’s most visited e-journal on open education and new technologies —, provides an exhaustive list of EU-funded projects, and highlights the latest news about open education as well as the most relevant recently published scholarly articles.

For more information, visit and take the time to register and explore the many options the platform offers.

Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on October 22, 2013
Modified on October 22, 2013