EDX is a non-profit created by founding partners Harvard and MIT. It is bringing the best of higher education to students around the world. EdX offers  Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and interactive online classes in subjects including law, history, science, engineering, business, social sciences, computer science, public health, and artificial intelligence (AI).

EdX was created for students and institutions that seek to transform themselves through cutting-edge technologies, innovative pedagogy, and rigorous courses. Through its institutional partners, the XConsortium, presents the best of higher education online, offering opportunity to anyone who wants to achieve, thrive, and grow. The EDX goal is however, go beyond offering courses and content. It is committed to research that will allow usto understand how students learn, how technology can transform learning, and the ways teachers teach on campus and beyond.

The aim is to become a leading resource for learners and learning worldwide by staying focused on the goals and principles set forth when forming edX:

The EDX goals

  • Expand access to education for everyone
  • Enhance teaching and learning on campus and online
  • Advance teaching and learning through research

The principles

  • Not for profit
  • Open source platform
  • Collaborative
  • Financially sustainable

EdX is based in Cambridge, Massachusetts and is governed by MIT and Harvard.

Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on May 31, 2013
Modified on May 31, 2013