Institute for Cultural Relations Policy

Founded in 2012, The Institute for Cultural Relations Policy is a non-governmental organisation fostering scientific education and public discourse regarding cultural relations policy. The institution is based in Budapest, Hungary. ICRP focuses on global intercultural dialogue and forms of cooperation between intra-cultural entities, aiming to promote the protection of International Human Rights and recognition of cultural diversity and heritage in an interdependent world.

Cultural relations policy consists of two aspects of international relations. As an integral part of foreign policy, it focuses on intercultural dialogue and policies based on common cultural heritage under international law. Interactions within intercultural relations derive from unilateral actions or considered as bilateral and multilateral ones.
Interactions within intra-cultural relations are primarily kin-state policies and/or predominantly determined by pan movements. These approaches are valid in interstate relations, interregional relations and in cooperation among states and sub national entities.

Apart from international relations, cultural relations policy exists in multicultural host countries having effect on the communication, political thought, party politics, etc. of diverse ethnic, religious or cultural groups.

Hungary’s geographical location and its great accessibility in the middle of Europe make it possible for ICRP to serve as a meeting point to facilitate the public exposure of the perspectives and interests of different communities, governments, international organisations, NGOs, businesses, scholars, thinkers and common citizens, in the hope that this will contribute to the evolving process of the dialogue among civilizations through cultural diplomacy.

Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on April 28, 2013
Modified on April 28, 2013