Inventory of EU-funded projects in the WBC

A large number of projects have been active with the Western Balkan Contries (WBC) over the past decades - and many are still running, covering all types of project, such as support actions, targeted research projects, or large-scale integrated projects.
The inventory provides a detailed view of the projects, their topics and the WBC partners involved, for each individual WBC and the WBC as a whole.

  • To get a better view on how the WBC region compares with its neighbouring countries, the "Statistics" section offers a comparison with Romania.
  • Under the submenu 'PROJECTS' a keyword search allows a focused search in the project descriptions.
  • To get view on the bilateral links between the countries through projects, go to the Bilateral section.
Geographical focus
  • Serbia
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Danaja Lorencic on January 30, 2013
Modified on January 30, 2013