Take it up

What is Take It Up?

An interactive working space totally dedicated to innovation service providers which are offered with access to:

  • a database of top performing tools and services for innovation support
  • a community of professionals sharing knowledge, expertise, challenges
  • the latest news and knowledge for helping SMEs to innovate

Takeitup.eu is developed thanks to the Europe INNOVA initiative funded by the CIP Programme of EC Commission

Why joining Take It Up?

TAKE IT UP gives you access to knowledge and resources for:

  • enlarging your market share thanks to a widened and more effective service provision
  • enhancing your skills and capacities for better serving your client SMEs
  • developing new business and partnership opportunities

TAKE IT UP is a market driven resource-ware:

  • user-friendly
  • freely navigable
  • community-centred

Source: Takeitup

Geographical focus
  • International; Other
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Danaja Lorencic on October 25, 2012
Modified on October 25, 2012