Facilities on the Field of Molecular Medicine, Genetics, Biotechnology


Full name
Prof. Georgi D. Efremov
Name of your institution
Research Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, (RCGEB) Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Institutions’s country
Republic of North Macedonia
Institution’s address
Blv. “Krste Misirkov” 2, 1000 Skopje, FYR of Macedonia
Are you responsible on behalf of the institution
Your position in the institution
  • Other: professor
Your telephone number
+389 2 32 35 411
Your email address
Institution's website address


Research infrastrcture website
Organisation / institution type of RI
  • National scientific organisation/institution

Main scientificdomain: Life sciences

Category: Other Life Sciences RI

Other scientific and technological domains served by RI
  • Life Sciences
RI type
  • Single-sited
  • Other: regional
Short description

The Research Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (RCGEB) is a research unit of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of the FYR of Macedonia founded 1986/1987. The main goal of the RCGEB is to promote genetic engineering and biotechnology in the FYR of Macedonia through research, education and training. Within the RCGEB, the National Rererence Laboratory for Hemoglobinopathies, founded in 1970, is acting.

Since 1995 this laboratory became an International Reference Laboratory for Hemoglobinopathies and International Hemoglobin Information Centre (www.manu.edu.mk/icgib). Since 1998 the RCGEB is the coordinator of Postgraduate studies on molecular biology and genetic engineering, organized by the University "Ss. Ciril and Methodius", Skopje.

Since its establishment, the primary interest of the RCGEB has been molecular basis of the most common monogenic diseases: Thalassemias and other hemoglobinopathies, Cystic fibrosis, Hemophilia, Duchenne and Backer muscular dystrophy, Spinal muscular atrophy, Huntington’s disease, Cystinuria, Fragile X mental retardation syndrome, Non-syndromic hearing loss, Genetics of male infertility and other less common monogenic diseases. The RCGEB collaborators have also been studying the molecular basis of colon cancer and breast cancer, as well as the molecular epidemiology of Hepatitis C virus and Hepatitis C virus, Human papilloma virus and Chlamidia trachomatis infection. RCGEB is the first institution in the FYR Macedonia that started to use the techniques of recombinant DNA technology in the diagnosis and prevention of inherited, malignant and infectious diseases and in forensic medicine. The DNA methods for prenatal diagnosis of the most common monogenic diseases and chromosomal aneuploidies, determination of the origin of biological materials were in use in the RCGEB since its foundation.

RCGEB has participated in many quality control programs for molecular DNA testing of the most common inherited diseases (External Quality Assessment scheme for Cystic Fibrosis, etc), as well as for quality assessment of forensic DNA (IQAS organized by Cellmark diagnostics). During the past 20 years more than 30 research projects dealing with molecular characterization of monogenic diseases, molecular epidemiology of infectious diseases, molecular basis of the most common malignancies, DNA markers for human identification, were completed or are in progress in the RCGEB.

The financing of the activities of the RCGEB is primarily through research projects and services to medical institutions. The main sources of the grants were the former YU-USA Joint Funds for Science, The US Ministry of Agriculture, The US Ministry of Health, former Federal Secretariat for development, FEBS, UNESCO/UNDP, Faculty of Medicine Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, National Health Fund, Ministry of Science, etc. Most of the funds were allocated for equipment, materials, chemicals and expendables for the needs of the projects.


Years in operation
  • More than 25 years
Comment on cooperation
The RCGEB collaborates with numerous institutions from the Republic of Macedonia, medical institutions from the neighbouring countries and with over 30 scientific institutions from over 20 different countries. The collaboration encompasses joint research activities, specialization and training, invited lectures and exchange of literature. The RCGEB was a focal point of the ICGEB-Trieste from 1994 to 1998.



Main sources of funding for setting up RI or important equipment
  • National public funding
  • Multinational/international public funding
Main sources of funding for operational costs
  • National public funding
  • Multinational/international public funding


Please explain why you consider your research infrastructure or facility with research equipment significant for your scientific community or users
The RCGEB has been coordinating the activities for creation of the SEE Network for molecular biology and genetics. These activities were supported by UNESCO-ROSTE within the framework of the UNESCO-ROSTE’s programme “Support to Scientific Networking in SEE countries”. The Network was created with an aim to organize and facilitate the exchange of knowledge and training of young scientists in the field of molecular biology and genetics. Almost all scientists that were employed in the RCGEB in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s spent 1-2 years as research fellows in leading EU or USA institutions. Since 2000 the RCGEB is the publisher of the international journal Balkan Journal of Medical Genetics.


Research services provided to users and researchers
The RCGEB is located within the new building of the MASA in the centre of Skopje and has laboratory space of ~500m2, offices of ~200m2 and its own library with ~50m2. Equipment: RCGEB equipment includes: HPLC (Perkin Elmer Series 200) and Automated Amino Acid Analyser AAA (Biochrom - 30); Spectrophotometers (UltraSpec 6300pro and NanoVue, GE Healthcare); ABI-PRISM 310 Automated Genetic Analyzer (Applied Biosystems); ABI 7700 Real-time PCR (Applied Biosystems), Tissue culture facility: Laminar-flow, CO2 incubator, Shaker (Hereus), Innova 40 thermal shaker; Ultracentrifuge (Beckman); Wallac Victor II 1420 multilabel counter (Perkin Elmer life sci.); PCR machines: GeneAmp PCR Systems 2700 (x2); PE 480 thermal cycler (PE Cetus); LabCaire PCR work station (x2); GelDoc Mega digital camera; Freeze Dryer (Virtis); Wallac 1410 Liquid scintillation counter (Pharmacia); Refrigirators [-80, -20 (several); +4 (several)]; Deionizator (Millipore - Milli RO and Milli Q water purification system); Centrifuges with cooling; Minicentrifuges with cooling; Bio-Rad DCode Universal Mutation Detection System; chromatographic and electrophoretic equipment; numerous routine laboratory equipment (balances, pH-metres, thermal baths, ovens, power suppliers) etc. In the recently obtained infrastructure grant from the European commission EP7 programme, RCGEB has purchased the following equipment: Ettan DIGE System, 2-D Fluorescence Difference Gel Electrophoretic system, Ettan DIGE Imager and Image Master Platinium 7.0 software (LKB Austria); DNA microarrey scanner system (Agilent technologies); 4-capilary Genetic Analyzer 3130 (Applied Biosystems) and system for DNA/RNA isolation QuickGene 810 (Fuji Film Life). One of the main goals of the Center is to foster collaboration with institutions from the country region, Europe, and USA and to train the employees in the world leading institutions.

Entry created by Elke Dall on February 17, 2010
Modified on October 16, 2012