Information and Communication Technologies, S&T policy,


Full name
Prof Dr Djuro Kutlaca
Name of your institution
Institute Mihailo Pupin
Institutions’s country
Institution’s address
Volgina 15, 11 060 Belgrade, Serbia
Are you responsible on behalf of the institution
Your position in the institution
  • Research Infrastructures Operator (scientific/technical)
Your telephone number
+381 11 2771 398
Your email address


Research infrastrcture website
Organisation / institution type of RI
  • National scientific organisation/institution

Main scientificdomain: ICT, mathematics

Category: Other ICT RI

Other scientific and technological domains served by RI
  • Information and Communication Technologies, Mathematics
  • Material Sciences, Chemistry and Nanotechnologies
  • Socio-economic Sciences
RI type
  • Single-sited
Short description


Institute Mihailo Pupin (IMP) R&D profile presents a synthesis of scientific and expert knowledge across a wide spectrum of disciplines: electronics, automation, computer science, telecommunications, information systems, and software engineering. Because of its broad spectrum of research fields IMP is capable of assembling dynamic teams with the mixture of expertise appropriate to the specific engagement, which is essential when conducting projects on a large scale. This vast diversity makes IMP a unique center of excellence in this part of the world with in-house interdisciplinary ICT knowledge base required for developing complex system solutions. Also, it is the leading Serbian R&D institution in information and communication technologies (ICT), as well as the biggest and the oldest ICT institute in Southeastern Europe.

To enhance the effectiveness of investment into R&D and innovation activities, IMP experts have focused their efforts on studying and synthesizing development strategies, policies, plans and programs to meet the needs of government agencies, regional and local administration, firms, as well as IMP own needs. To attain the stated goal, the following are part of the expertise of the IMP researchers: the history and laws of science and technology development, science and technology development implications on the economic and social development, methods in scientometrics, evaluation of development policies and programs, impacts of science and technology development on management, education and training of managerial staff, and other relevant fields.

At the Institute Michael Pupin, the expertise and technology are combined in order to deliver innovative solutions in the areas of:
1)    Automation and control
2)    Information systems
3)    Signal and image processing
4)    Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Based systems
5)    Telecommunications
6)    Sensors and Measurement
7)    Simulation and modeling
8)    Traffic management
9)    Robotics
10)    Science and technology policy


Years in operation
  • More than 25 years


Short description of access policy and procedures for users of this research infrastructure
Mihajlo Pupin institute and its research infrastructure is open to external users.


It is a research organization, with most of its revenues (between 90-95%) being earned on very competitive domestic and international markets. Only 5-10% percent of total revenues are governmental allocations through national projects. Approximately 8% of total revenue is earned from export of products and services.
Main sources of funding for setting up RI or important equipment
  • National public-private funding
  • Multinational/international public-private funding
  • Private funding
Main sources of funding for operational costs
  • National public-private funding
  • Multinational/international public-private funding
  • Private funding


Main international structured co-operation research projects. Please highlighting the recognition of this Research Infrastructure at international level (give up to 5 examples from the last 5 years)
Main collaborators: the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Architecture and Software Technology (FIRST), Berlin - Germany, Raytheon – Canada, AREVA – France, Motorola Application Partner Program, and many other partners from the region and the world. Institute Mihailo Pupin has a long-term orientation in cross-border cooperation with companies and institutions, whether if it is a case of involvement in a joint research or application-orientated development project, purely academic collaboration, or providing services from our service portfolio, with positive attitude to exchange know-how and achievements, and join forces with companies with similar fields of interest in order to deliver better results and approach a broader market. The Institute teams have participated in several FP6 and FP7 projects, to mention only some of them: SARIB, PROMETEA, Web4Web, WBC-INCO.NET), Interreg/CADSES projects (I2E, STRiM), bilateral projects with Greece and Germany, etc.
Please explain why you consider your research infrastructure or facility with research equipment significant for your scientific community or users
IMP represents a center of excellence in Southeastern Europe, with expertise ranging from digital signal processing algorithm design to full physical implementation of complex embedded DSP systems for telecom applications, voice, image and radar signal processing), simulation and modeling (Simulation Program was formed in 1976, during development of the flight simulator for aircraft crew training. Since then, a number of very successful military trainers for both operational and tactical training have been produced; the second line of the Group activities is related to the development of general simulation tools to be used during all stages of a complex technical system life-cycle), science and technology policy (studying and synthesizing development strategies, policies, plans and programs to meet the needs of government agencies, regional and local administration, firms, as well as the institute`s own needs), telecommunications (In past two decades, R&D focus is on applications of signal processing technology in telecommunications, with emphasis on modem communications, data encryption and access multiplexers), traffic management (two main streams: urban traffic control and management and motorway and highway traffic control and paytoll systems).


Research services provided to users and researchers
The results of their research work are evident in different areas, here some of them are mentioned: a wide range of hardware and software products in automation and control area (process control computers (ATLAS Family), SCADA software (VIEW6000, VIEW2), DMS/EMS applications, measurement equipment and converters for electric/nonelectric quantities, expert systems and decision support systems), information systems (development, implementation, and support of advanced manufacturing and business information systems, most recent research interest is focused on using portal technologies for knowledge sharing and business intelligence and knowledge management tools for improving business performance), knowledge-based systems (knowledge representation, multiparadigm inference, logic programming, truth maintenance, etc.), robotics (robotics laboratory), sensors and measurement (a primary wattmeter, as a top achievement in precision measurement of electric power, sold to companies in Germany, USA and Canada; about twenty types of electric energy, power, current and voltage measuring devices), signal and image processing.

Entry created by Elke Dall on February 17, 2010
Modified on September 11, 2012