Two-Component Programmed Seismic Shaking Table for Dynamic Testing of Structures, Equipment for Geophysical, Soil Dynamics and Strong Motion Investigation


Full name
Prof Dr Mihail Garevski, Director
Name of your institution
University "St. Cyril and Methodius", Skopje, Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology
Institutions’s country
Republic of North Macedonia
Institution’s address
73 Salvador Aljende, P.O. Box 101, 1000 Skopje, FYR of Macedonia
Are you responsible on behalf of the institution
Your position in the institution
  • Research Infrastructure Manager (administrative)
  • Other: director
Your telephone number
+389 2 3107 701
Your email address
Institution's website address


Research infrastrcture website
Organisation / institution type of RI
  • Governmental / public
  • Other: European

Main scientificdomain: Environmental – marine and earth sciences

Category: Seismic monitoring stations

Other scientific and technological domains served by RI
  • Environmental, Marine and Earth Sciences
RI type
  • Single-sited
Short description

The Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology (IZIIS), Skopje is an internationally well-known institution in the field. It was established in 1965 within the University "SS Cyril and Methodius" in Skopje, to organize research and education primarily concentrated on earthquake engineering and engineering seismology. In following these tasks, the Institute received support from the UN and its specialized agencies UNDP and UNESCO during many years following the disastrous Skopje earthquake of July 26, 1963. While meeting the immediate needs for reconstruction of the city, the Institute created conditions for permanent progress in research, education and training, as well as in consultancy activities. The Institute’s employees are permanently keeping pace with the most recent achievements in the sphere of protection against natural and man-made disasters.

The almost 45 years of IZIIS's mission and practical involvment in the FR of Macedonia, Balkan, Mediterranean and worldwide is summarized bellow by categories being the strategic orientation and mandate of the Institute: research, development, education and training in the field of earthquake engineering and engineering seismology; assistance (to Governments) in mitigating the consequences of earthquakes and post-disaster recovery; development and improvement of technical regulations, standards and codes; laboratory and field testing for defining the technical base of earthquake risk reduction; seismic monitoring and disaster forecasting; promotion of a risk prevention culture, general public and community awareness and participation and publications; Consulting services in design of more important structures in Skopje, FYR of Macedonia, former Yugoslavia, and beyond.

The Institute is a part of the University “SS Cyril and Methodius” and thus comes under the aegis of the Ministry of Education and Science, which, despite substantial budget cuts over recent years, remains one of the Institute’s main sources of funding. In terms of funding, 25% of the regular annual budget of the Institute is, still, provided by the Macedonian Ministry of Education and Science. The remainder originates from research, education and consultancy activities.

IZIIS performs three main types of activities: (1) Scientific activities; (2) Education activities, and (3) Applicative activities.


Years in operation
  • More than 25 years
Comment on cooperation
Partner-organizations in the domain of scientific activities are: the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, the Ministry of Ecology, the Ministry of Culture and other ministries as well as the local self-management authorities. It also realizes scientific projects in cooperation with foreign governmental and non-governmental organizations (EU, USA, NATO, JICA, etc.) In the domain of education activities, the partner-organizations of IZIIS are: the members of the SS Cyril and Methodius University and other universities in R. Macedonia as well as the foundations and bodies that support educative activities (Government of the Royal Netherlands, TEMPUS, DAAD, etc.) In its applicative activities, IZIIS cooperates with numerous domestic and foreign enterprises in the field of construction, design, water economy, culture, materials, etc.
Please indicate any further needs and opportunities for further integration or collaboration with similar or related RIs
Upon request of the Government, the University and other institutions, we contribute to preparation of regulations, laws and by-laws as well as elaboration of projects like UNESCO projects etc. The listed research infrastructure is opened for external users in applied and development research projects, commercial projects, training and education as well as in consulting services. The IZIIS's two-component programmed seismic shaking table for dynamic testing of structures shall become part of the Seismic Engineering Research Infrastructures for EU Synergies.



Main sources of funding for setting up RI or important equipment
  • National public funding
  • Multinational/international public funding
  • Multinational/international public-private funding
Main sources of funding for operational costs
  • National public funding
  • Multinational/international public funding
  • Multinational/international public-private funding



Research services provided to users and researchers
IZIIS facilitates four laboratories used for development of experimental methods and techniques for investigations of behaviour of structures, explosions, wind and other static and dynamic loads. Dynamic Testing Laboratory is a part of the Dynamic Testing Laboratory and Informatics Department. The primary testing facility is the two-component programmed seismic shaking table for dynamic testing of structures. Also the laboratory is equipped with two smaller shake tables, material testing frames equipment for quasi-static testing, data acquisition, and transducers. Laboratory is also equipped for field measurements. Geophysical Laboratory is equipped for specialized field measurements in engineering seismology and geophysics, such as seismic refraction, reflection and direct illumination surveys, measurements of micro seismic noise and geoelectrical resistivity. Soil Dynamics Laboratory provides data on soil dynamics properties necessary for determining the dynamics strength and stability of soils, the soil liquefaction potential and soil-structure interaction. In cooperation with other IZIIS's laboratories it performs in-situ testing foundation and foundations models and other specific testing in the field of soil and foundation dynamics. Strong Motion Laboratory provides maintenance of the Macedonian Strong Motion Network; collection, processing, acquisition and archiving of recorded strong motion data and maintenance of the instruments installed in special capital facilities in neighboring countries.

Entry created by Elke Dall on February 17, 2010
Modified on October 12, 2012