Research Infrastructure in the Field of Public Health


Full name
Boban Mugosa, MD, MSc PhD
Name of your institution
Institute for Public Health
Institutions’s country
Institution’s address
Ljubljanska bb, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro
Are you responsible on behalf of the institution
Your position in the institution
  • Other: MD
Your telephone number
+382 20 412 888
Your email address
Institution's website address


Research infrastrcture website
Organisation / institution type of RI
  • National scientific organisation/institution

Main scientificdomain: Life sciences

Category: Clinical research centers

Other scientific and technological domains served by RI
  • Life Sciences
RI type
  • Single-sited
  • Other: national
Short description

The Institute started with work in 1922, as a permanent Bacteriological station. Hygienic Institute was established in Cetinje, 1st March 1927 as an institution of special importance. After the Second World War, in 1946, Hygienic-epidemiological Institute was established in Cetinje. For the first time this institution was established in Podgorica on 1st January 1956, as a Central Hygienic Institute. From 1st March 1962 this institution worked as a Republic Institute for Public Health of Montenegro.

In 1991 Medical Institute was reorganized, by the Decision of the Government of the Republic of Montenegro (Official Gazette, No 21/91 and 34/91), into the Institute for Public Health of Podgorica. The Institute for Public Health was established by the Decision of the Government of the Republic of Montenegro (Official Gazette of Montenegro, No. 79/2004), put into force on 31st December 2004, as a health care institution of particular interest for Republic.

Institute for Public Health of Montenegro represents a referent national institution for public health issues. IPH is the public institution with main goal to promote and protect health of population of Montenegro. Scientific and research work of the Institute is aimed at research in the field of public health, environment and improvement and development of health care services. As a preventive-medical-health organization, it deals, among other tasks, with healthy lifestyles, quality of nutrition and nutrition habits, analyzing of health quality of foods, consumer goods and drinking water. IPH monitors, analyses and evaluates influence of environment (air, soil and noise) on population health.

The main source of funding is national funds.


Years in operation
  • More than 25 years
Comment on cooperation
The Institute has significant experience in cooperation with EU countries, and the main partner are: WHO- European Region, Stability pact, FOCUS BALKANS project EU FP7, Institute Jozef Stefan-Ljubljana, Instituto Superiore di Sanita- Rome, Italy IPH successfully realized all initiated projects and programs. Successful cooperation with WHO, UNDP, UNICEF, Imperial College London, CPHA, Stability pact, Institute Jozef Stefan-Ljubljana, Instituto Superiore di Sanita- Rome, Italy. IPH is one of the partner of EU FP7 project, FOCUS BALKANS, where some of the project partners are: University of Newcastle, Wageningen University, University of Parma, University of Ljubljana, public health institutes and universities form the region of the Western Balkans, and is coordinated by Swiss Agridea.


Short description of access policy and procedures for users of this research infrastructure
Institute of Public health is opened for external users in terms that it provides health care services within domain of Institute’s activities. IPH is a basis of the Medical faculty, Podgorica and it has significant cooperation with all governmental and nongovernmental institutions and organizations in projects realization. There are lots of ways to grant access to external users. The most important relates to relations between users and providers regulated by the Law on health Care, Law on Health Insurance, regulations and Statute of the Institute of Public Health. In addition, the relations with international collaborators are defined by international agreements and agreements for defining relations with domestic collaborators in accordance with regulated rules for cooperation. Users in accordance with defined rules may access our facilities. During one year, there is a large number of collaborators per each of the indicated levels.


Main sources of funding for operational costs
  • National public funding


Main international structured co-operation research projects. Please highlighting the recognition of this Research Infrastructure at international level (give up to 5 examples from the last 5 years)
The main cooperation partners on national level are: Ministry of health, Ministry of labour and Social Welfare, Ministry of Science, and all other ministries, schools, health care institutions and other governmental and nongovernmental organizations. As for the international partners, the most prominent ones are: WHO, ECDC, UNICEF, GFATM, School of Public Health “Andrija Stampar, Zagreb, Institut Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana.


Research services provided to users and researchers
IPH covers: monitoring, research and conducting studies of population health and health culture; influence of environment on protection of population health; causes, spreading and prevention of infectious diseases; factors of risk of chronic, non- infectious diseases and other diseases of high social-medical significance as well as organization, working and development of health service and proposing and carrying out appropriate measures for prevention and improvement of population health. Cooperation is being conducted in different ways, such as: provision of services, work on joint projects, programmes. Cooperation with industry is made in terms of monitoring health determinants and participation in defining access for reducing their impacts, participation in implementation HASAP system in the industry of food and water. Developing concept of high quality services in the Institute is the mode for attracting new users. Next, stimulating cooperation with governmental and nongovernmental organizations and institutions, the IPH maintains successful cooperation with during many years, is the way to make networks with the aim to have successful realization of projects and programmes.

Entry created by Elke Dall on February 17, 2010
Modified on October 15, 2012