Laboratories in the fields of power engineering, telecommunications, electronics devices, computer engineering and technologies


Full name
Prof. Dr Srdjan Stanković
Name of your institution
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Montenegro
Institutions’s country
Institution’s address
Džordža Vašingtona bb, 81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro
Are you responsible on behalf of the institution
Your position in the institution
  • Other: dean
Your telephone number
+382 20 245 839
Your email address
Institution's website address


Research infrastrcture website
Organisation / institution type of RI
  • University/Higher education

Main scientificdomain: ICT, mathematics

Category: Other ICT RI

Other scientific and technological domains served by RI
  • Energy
  • Information and Communication Technologies, Mathematics
  • Engineering
  • Material Sciences, Chemistry and Nanotechnologies
RI type
  • Single-sited
  • Other: regional
Short description

Electrical Engineering Department (EED) is one of the oldest units at the University of Montenegro. The Faculty cherishes both, fruitful research activities and high teaching standards. It is dedicated to the advancement of knowledge, learning and understanding in the service of society.

For almost 48 years the Faculty of Electrical Engineering has made an eminent contribution to the modern life in the various aspects of modern information society in Montenegro: power engineering, telecommunications, electronics devices, computer engineering and technologies. Responding to the needs of the environment, EED has diversified its study profiles and curricula during the past 40 years.

Currently, the EED has three divisions: Division for Power Systems and Automatic Control, Division for Electronics, Communications and Computer Engineering, and School of Applied Computer Engineering. So far, more than 2100 students have graduated at the EED. The EED has proven to be one of the most significant scientific institutions in the region. For instance, the research output from the EED in the last five years was about 200 scientific papers, 50 in leading world journals and 150 at international conferences. Furthermore, through the participation in several European Commission funded projects, the EED has gained the experience that recommends it as a referent and reliable partner in international initiatives and projects.

The Faculty employs more than 30 teachers (professors, associated professors, and assistant professors) and 28 teaching and research assistants. Approximately 70% of teaching staff has experience in teaching and research activities abroad, mainly in the USA and EU countries.


Years in operation
  • More than 25 years
Comment on cooperation
EED research facilities and research infrastructure are opened for the external users. Many guest researchers are coming to EED to do joint research. The visits are possible in the frame of bilateral cooperation or joint research projects. EED has also cooperation with the local industry. EED works on projects and studies, performs necessary measures, gives certificates for the imported equipment, etc. for the telecommunication, electronic and power system companies in Montenegro. Many joint research projects, in different areas, have been realized, or are still ongoing, in the cooperation with the partners from the EU countries.


Short description of access policy and procedures for users of this research infrastructure
It is open to external users, and cooperation is conducted under various programmes, either within the interuniversity cooperation, or other existing programmes (FP6, FP7, NATO SPS, PELIKAN). Apart from the cooperation with the countries from the region, the EED cooperates with EU countries (such as France, Greece), Japan, USA, etc.



Main international structured co-operation research projects. Please highlighting the recognition of this Research Infrastructure at international level (give up to 5 examples from the last 5 years)
The FEE has participated, and is participating in several European Commission funded projects: “South East Europe Research and Education Network –SEEREN2”, EC-FP6; “South East Europe Grid – SEE GRID 2”, EC-FP6; ICT-WEB-PROMS, SeeGrid.Sci, SEERA.EI, Geant3 (FP7), “Introduction of a new study programme in Applied Electronics”, EC, TEMPUS – JEP 40017 2005, “Curriculum Development of Graduate Studies in Applied Computer Engineering and Internationalization of FEE Studies”, EC, TEMPUS – JEP 40105 2005. Some of the partner institutions are: Grenoble INP/GIPSA-lab, Grenoble, France; Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, Germany; Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece; L’ENSIETA (L’Ecole Nationale Superieure d’Ingenieurs des Etudes et Techniques d’Armement), France; University of Patras, Faculty of EE and Computer Technologies; National Technical University of Athens, Faculty of EE and Computer Engineering, Greece; University of L’Aquila, Faculty of Engineering, Italy; University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Faculty of EE, Czech Republic; University of Liverpool, Department of Physics, U.K., etc. There is also cooperation with some institutions from the non-EU countries, such as the National Aerospace University in Kharkov, Ukraine, and institutions from the region, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade; Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad; University "Luigj Gurakuqi" Shkoder, etc.
Please explain why you consider your research infrastructure or facility with research equipment significant for your scientific community or users
The policy of EED is to enable all interested researchers to come to our institution, as well as to help the employed researchers to go abroad, in order to achieve new experience, which could be useful for improving the quality of research process at the EED.


Research services provided to users and researchers
There are several laboratories within the Faculty: 1) Laboratory for digital signal processing (devoted to the different aspects of digital signal processing, filtering, non-stationary processing, spectrum estimation, time-frequency analysis, radar signal processing, radar imaging -SAR and ISAR applications) 2) Laboratory for multimedia systems (equipped with modern multimedia computers, software packages and other data processing technology) 3) Laboratory for telecommunications (contains a separated computer network and devices for Internet telephony testing - VoIP. The research within the laboratory is related to the forthcoming 4G mobile communications and new generation of wireless internet.) 4) Laboratory for automatics (It is equipped with state-of-the-art control systems and modern software development packages that enable applied research in a number of application domains such as biomedical engineering, diagnostics and prognostics, and unmanned aerial vehicles.) 5) Laboratory for electronics (The Laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art test and measurement equipment from reference producers like Tektronix, Agilent, Instek, Fluke) 6) Laboratory for electrical machines and drives (The laboratory is devoted to testing and evaluation of quality and design of various electrical machines. It is equipped with electrical motors, transformers, and instruments for electromechanical energy conversion) 7) Laboratory for electrical measurements (The Laboratory is equipped with test equipment electrical measurements and measurements in electronics.)

Entry created by Elke Dall on February 17, 2010
Modified on October 15, 2012