Infrastructures: Air Monitoring, Noise and Vibrations Monitoring in Living and Working Environments, Chemical, Biological and Physical Harmfulness and Microclimate in Working Environment; Facilities for Measuring of Non-Ionizing Radiation, and Partial Equipment for Water and Soil Monitoring, Equipment for Measuring of Electric and Lightning Conducting Installation


Full name
Predrag ILIC, M. Sc.
Name of your institution
Scientific institution ''Institute of protection, ecology and informatics'', scientific research institute
Institutions’s country
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Institution’s address
Vidovdanska 43, 78000 Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Are you responsible on behalf of the institution
Your position in the institution
  • Research Infrastructures Operator (scientific/technical)
Your telephone number
+ 387 51 218 322
Your email address
Institution's website address


Research infrastrcture website
Organisation / institution type of RI
  • National scientific organisation/institution

Main scientificdomain: Environmental – marine and earth sciences

Category: Other Environmental science RI

Other scientific and technological domains served by RI
  • Life Sciences
  • Environmental, Marine and Earth Sciences
  • Material Sciences, Chemistry and Nanotechnologies
RI type
  • Single-sited
Short description


Institute of protection, ecology and informatics is a scientific-research, consulting, project and educational institution in the following fields: safety at work, protection and improvement of quality of working and living environment, people's health protection, work safety, risk management and system of quality management. It has been established in 1976 as Institute of safety at work. In 1988, it has become Institute of protection, ecology and informatics.

Currently, the Institute is organised in 4 departments:

1.Department for ecology (main activities: Continuous measuring of emissions of polluting substances in the air, Occasional measuring of concentrations from emissions of polluting substances that are going into the air from industrial processes and thermoelectric power plants in order to create Register of emissions and Register of air pollutants, Creating Environmental impact assessment study for all types of objects and processes, both new and developing the existing capacities, Creating Professional and Scientific papers in the field of air quality protection and the environment in general, Under preparation are also measuring and mapping of communal noise in accordance with European directive 2002/49/EC)

2.Department for safety at work (main activities: Creating technological projects, Periodical inspection and examining of work means and equipment in order to give usability licenses, Control of applied measures of safety at work while projecting, constructing and producing work means and equipment, Inspection and measuring electric and lightning conducting installation of an object)

3.Department for fire and explosion prevention (Creating Studies and Professional opinion for fire prevention, Inspection and service systems for fire alarms, projecting and creating communal plans for fire prevention and determining danger zones of fire prevention)

4.Department for education (Education of workers in the field of safety at work and fire prevention, Work with means of protection, Organization of seminars and consultations in the fields of safety at work and fire prevention)

Institute's mission is to develop a concept of reliable economy and implementation of the principle of risk management in practice of economy and institutions. Projects and programs are drafted in phases: research - scientific and professional verification of the results - training and innovation of knowledge - consulting - publication of the results.


Years in operation
  • More than 25 years
Comment on cooperation
All types of cooperation are being carried out - making the studies, strategies, reports, mutual work regarding living and working environments monitoring, organization of scientific conferences, seminars and all other aspects of cooperation in the fields our Institute deals with. The policy to attract new users is promotion and media presentation of the Institute and its results, educational seminaries and scientific and expert conferences.
List of international co-operation agreements and partnerships which exist and partnerships which exist at organisational level for this RI, between different organisations in different European countries (please give up to 5 examples over the last 5 years)
The Institute mainly cooperates with Serbia, Czech Republic and Switzerland, as well as with Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia and Montenegro. However, Serbia is a dominant partner. Among EU countries, Czech Republic, Germany are main cooperation country partners. Examples of success stories from cooperation: Project of polychlorinated biphenyls with Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany and Masaryk University, Research Centre for Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology, Brno, Czech Republic and project financed by EBRD: SEA of River Basins of the Vrbas and Bosna in the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Contract No. C17748/SWI-2007-12-06 with Pöyry Energy Ltd. Zurich Switzerland, Environmental Impact Assessment ''Integrated Ecosystems Management of the Neretva and Trebisnjica River Basin Project'' (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)) Engineering Design for Wild Dump Remediation in Knezevo (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)), ''Support to Air Monitoring Bosnia and Herzegovina'' (investor was EU), and many other project, both domestic and foreign, together with many institutions.


Approximately number of permanent scientific/engineering staff operating the RI
  • 11 – 50
Short description of access policy and procedures for users of this research infrastructure
It has 38 employees, with a team of young and creative researchers, and also a team of known and respected scientists, experts and University professors. The work on professional improvement is conducted both systematically and consistently. Institute of protection, ecology and informatics is a state institution owned by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Srpska, with its own finances and without Government's role in its incomes. Main source of funding is national, secured through services for economy and non-economic organizations and institutions, scientific-research projects, co-financed by Ministry of Science and Technology. Institute of protection, ecology and informatics is opened for external users, and for using human resources and Institute's equipment, as well as for other means of cooperation. Typical external user (target group) is industry, i.e. economy.


Main source of funding is national, secured through services for economy and non-economic organizations and institutions, scientific-research projects, co-financed by Ministry of Science and Technology.


Main international structured co-operation research projects. Please highlighting the recognition of this Research Infrastructure at international level (give up to 5 examples from the last 5 years)
Examples of success stories from cooperation: Project of polychlorinated biphenyls with Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany and Masaryk University, Research Centre for Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology, Brno, Czech Republic and project financed by EBRD: SEA of River Basins of the Vrbas and Bosna in the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Contract No. C17748/SWI-2007-12-06 with Pöyry Energy Ltd. Zurich Switzerland, Environmental Impact Assessment ''Integrated Ecosystems Management of the Neretva and Trebisnjica River Basin Project'' (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)) Engineering Design for Wild Dump Remediation in Knezevo (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)), ''Support to Air Monitoring Bosnia and Herzegovina'' (investor was EU), and many other project, both domestic and foreign, together with many institutions.


Research services provided to users and researchers
Institute of protection, ecology and informatics has its own facilities and infrastructure, including laboratories for its activities. It is fully equipped for air monitoring (emissions and immissions), noise and vibrations monitoring in living and working environments, and chemical, biological and physical harmfulness and microclimate in working environment (microclimate, lighting, noise and vibrations level, concentration of dust and chemical noxiousness, presence of biological noxiousness etc). Also, there is equipment for measuring of non-ionizing radiation (ELF and radio-microwave frequencies), and partial equipment for water and soil monitoring, as well as all necessary equipment in the field of inspection and measuring of electric and lightning conducting installation of an object and examining conduction of all types of antistatic bases and protective VN equipment. Examples of the equipment within the Institute: Noise measurer ''Bruel-Kjaer'' , Device for dust measurement 151149A MicroDust 880 Intrinsically Safe, producer: CEL Casella England, Gas analyzer IMR 2000/2800 P, Station for air quality monitoring with complete equipment (thermo electron corporation), Portable gas analyzer Gasmet Technologies Gasmet DX – 4030 etc.

Entry created by Elke Dall on February 17, 2010
Modified on September 11, 2012