National Research and Educational Network of Serbia (Academic Network of Serbia – AMRES)


Full name
Slavko Gajin
Name of your institution
University of Belgrade
Institutions’s country
Institution’s address
Kumanovska bb 11000 Belgrade Serbia
Are you responsible on behalf of the institution
Your position in the institution
  • Research Infrastructure Manager (administrative)
Your telephone number
+381 11 3031257
Your email address
Institution's website address


Research infrastrcture website
Organisation / institution type of RI
  • National scientific organisation/institution
  • University/Higher education

Main scientificdomain: ICT, mathematics

Category: Communication networks

Other scientific and technological domains served by RI
  • Information and Communication Technologies, Mathematics
RI type
  • Single-sited
Short description

Academic Network of Serbia(AMRES) is one of the country’s most advanced computer networks, connecting more than 150 institutions with over 150.000 active users. The backbone of this network, running on 2.150 km of dark fibre, is operated by Belgrade University Computing Centre.

AMRES presents one of most important national-research and education resources and has a leading role in development of Information Society in Serbia. Its main objectives are Strategic development, implementation and maintenance of ICT for researchers and students (e-learning, identity providing, grid computing); creating conditions for cooperation of researchers and institutes on national and international level for the purpose of integrating in European Research Area; preparation for the Information Society (e-Society, e-Government, e-Health).

AMRES network began when several technical faculties of the University of Belgrade made an interconnection and started internal usage of basic Internet services. At the beginning of 1996, on the anniversary of University of Belgrade, this internal network was connected to Internet. Subsequent developments were slow due to country’s isolation and inconsistent governmental support. Most of the achievements during the 90’s were based on enthusiasm of staff working at Serbian universities.

New era of rapid development started in the new millennium, supported by the Greek Academic Network (GRNET) and the German government. GRNET helped upgrading the international connection capacity from 1,5 Mbps to 7,5 Mps. Another boost to AMRES infrastructure came with a donation of German Federal Ministry of Education and Science in equipment for main nodes, coordinated by the Max Planck Institute. The Ministry of Science and Environmental Protection of Republic of Serbia, invested in deployment of optical network across Serbia. These developments facilitated creation of a network interconnecting at gigabit rates, called gigaAMRES. It is still an ongoing project with 2.150 km of dark fibre connecting universities, larger institutes, schools, libraries and other AMRES members.

AMRES marked 18th anniversary this year and still awaits to become a separate legal entity. Management and operation of AMRES is organised in form of a project - AMRES project, under the authority of a line Ministry. Until 2007, AMRES was supported by the Ministry of Science and Environmental protection, but now it is under the authority of a newly established Ministry of Telecommunication and Information Society. As contractor, the University of Belgrade is a recognised legal representative for AMRES, but major decisions are made in cooperation with universities in Novi Sad, Nis, and Kragujevac. AMRES operation fully relies on funding from the government. There is an idea of establishing a separate legal entity that would allow a sustainable development of Serbian NREN. It is planned that its management board would include representatives of the member institutions and the government.


Years in operation
  • 21 – 25 years
Comment on cooperation
Under the coordination of the 5th Framework Programme EC project SEEREN (Southeast European Research and Education Network) provided AMRES with faster and reliable Internet, easing the digital divide in the pan-European research network infrastructure. The fast growth was recognised by our partners in European projects and organisations as a success story and described as a “snowball effect“. This initiated more advanced projects under the EC 6th Framework Programme SEE-GRID (South-Eastern European Grid enabled e-infrastructure development); SEEFIRE (South-Eastern European Fibre Infrastructure for Research and Education); SEEREN2; SEE-GRID-2. In all these projects, AMRES established good cooperation with the NRENs and NGIs of neighbour countries. AMRES has become the second regional node providing bandwidth to Géant, following the practice of GRNet. The B&H network and the NREN of Montenegro (MREN) are connected to AMRES, with an optical link of 1 Gpbs and a link of 2 Mbps.
List of international co-operation agreements and partnerships which exist and partnerships which exist at organisational level for this RI, between different organisations in different European countries (please give up to 5 examples over the last 5 years)
All these, previously mentioned FP projects have been led by GRNet from Greece. In present, under the 7th Framework programme EC, AMRES takes part in projects SEEGRID-SCI and SEERA-EI (South-Eastern European Research E-Infrastructure), which are trying to go further on strengthening of the local eInfrastructures, activating new user communities and enabling collaborative research across a number of fields. Latest enhancement of international connectivity was done by establishing the first regional cross-border dark fibre with the Hungarian Academic network (HUNGARNET/NIIF). FP5 SEEREN project was a great success in the European framework and was used as a model for other European regional projects. The project reviewers from EU have proclaimed the Academic Network of Serbia to be the success story and an example of snowball effect.


Short description of access policy and procedures for users of this research infrastructure
Research facilities and infrastructure of AMRES are available for usage by some circumstances defined in the Acceptable Usage Policy of the Academic network of Serbia. Institutes and organisations registered in of the Ministries of Republic of Serbia, whose activities are related to scientific-research and/or educational work are among its collaborators, within a number of fields in a science and education AMRES members are institutes and organisations on the territory of Republic of Serbia that are directly of indirectly, permanently or temporarily connected to the AMRES infrastructure, that can realise their Internet traffic via AMRES services. Those are: universities and faculties; scientific-research institutes; higher and primary schools, and other educational institutes; libraries; scientific-teaching bases, student centres, etc. AMRES individual users can be: scientific-research, educational, administrative and other personnel or in any other way engaged with and AMRES member, such as: students, scholars, schoolchildren, academics, office bearers and other members of an AMRES member. Agreement on lease of optic fibre on majority of connections throughout Serbia was signed in 2003 between Telekom Srbija AD, University of Belgrade and the Ministry of science, technology and development of Republic of Serbia. Preconditions for realising reliable intercity large connection capacity backbone of the Academic Network were made.




Research services provided to users and researchers
AMRES infrastructure presents a scientific research and education network of Serbia in the functional and technical sense, together with its external links. In previous years, major activities have been concentrated on dark fibre infrastructure development. Now, introduction of various services and contact with end users has become a priority. Membership and all services offered to users are free of charge. Among others, one of the offered services is KoBSON. It enables access to great number of international scientific journals. Monitoring service enables handling of statistics on the status and usage of AMRES links.

Entry created by Davor Kozmus on November 27, 2012
Modified on November 27, 2012